Basware Purchase-to-Pay 17.2 New Features


1 Introduction

This document contains descriptions of new features in Basware Purchase-to-Pay 17.2 and its maintenance releases.

2 Procurement

2.1 Confirm/reject changes proposed by approver to purchase requisition when user has PR confirm task in Edge

Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-5417
Release: P2P 17.2
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

In Edge, the person who makes the purchase can confirm or reject the purchase requisition that is changed during workflow before the contents of the purchase requisition is ordered from supplier.

2.2 Display approver’s own line count and sum in PR header details line summary panel in Edge

Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-15952
Release: P2P 17.2
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

The approver can see the number of purchase requisition lines assigned to him/her and their monetary value on the lines panel in purchase requisition header data. With the feature, the approver can better see what to approve.

2.3 Mapping of BCatMan “custom” field to Workplace Shop dedicated “Buyer product code” field

Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-11261
Release: P2P 17.2
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

This feature extends the current capabilities to send product data in the Catalog message from BCatMan to Basware Purchase-to-Pay. Now, one custom field can be sent to Basware Purchase-to-Pay. By default, one custom field is mapped to Buyer Product Code field in Basware Purchase-to-Pay. The configuration can be found in Configuration Tool General Data Maintenance CMN_TENANT SETTINGS table.

2.4 New fields to workflow line entity

Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-20161
Release: P2P 17.2
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

The following fields have been added to WorkflowRequisitionLine, so they can be used in workflow expressions:

2.5 PR and GR task list item displays the last comment/action instead of purpose in Edge

Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-15455
Release: P2P 17.2
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

The purpose of purchase requisition is now shown in the task expand section and the purchase requisition’s latest comment is shown in the collapse section in the Edge task list.

2.6 Workplace Shop search to support Buyer and Manufacturer product codes

Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-4397
Release: P2P 17.2
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

This feature extends the current Shop capabilities. Now users can search with buyer product code and manufacturer product code Shop Search view.

2.7 Workplace Shop to support Buyer product code field

Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-11260
Release: P2P 17.2
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

This feature extends the current Shop capabilities. Now the buyer product code can be viewed in Shop Search view.

3 AP Automation

3.1 Asynchronous actions for large invoices

Module(s): Invoice Automation
Feature ID: ALUSTA-13975
Release: P2P 17.2
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

Users can now perform actions on large invoices in Professional Mode. In case of a large document, actions may take some time to complete, but the users can perform other actions in the meanwhile. 

An informative message is shown in the Invoice Details view when the invoice is considered a large document. By default, an invoice is considered large if it contains more than 800 coding rows in total. This limit can be configured in the Basware P2P Configuration Tool.

A notification message is shown after starting an action for a large invoice. The users can clear the notification.

Another notification message is shown after the action has been completed. The users can click a link in the notification to view details of the related invoice.

3.2 Change to the navigation logic in Edge

Module(s): Invoice Automation
Feature ID: ALUSTA-19460
Release: P2P 17.2
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

The navigation logic has been unified and simplified so that users are now always brought back to the task list after performing an action on the invoice details page. The links to the next/previous invoice have been removed from the invoice details page.

4 Analytics

4.1 Detailed AP process exceptions

Module(s): Analytics
Feature ID: ALUSTA-18040
Release: P2P 17.2
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

In the previous version of the AP Process - Exceptions dashboard, particularly matching and process exception types, which were not explicitly defined, were grouped under one category (for example, Other matching error). The grouping did not allow viewing the actual error causing the exception. With the current change, 33 new matching exception types have been brought on the dashboard to bring exact visibility on the cause of the matching exception. The category Other process error, which consisted of archiving-related errors and anyERP errors, has been replaced with the anyERP processing failed errors only, while the archiving-related errors have been removed from the dashboard, since they do not have an effect on invoice payment.

As a result, the dashboard now supports 45 exception types, bringing the exception visibility on a more detailed level. However, it is unlikely that all the exception types are visible for all users as they depend on the configuration. 

To make the exception types and their relative share more exploitable on the dashboard, the pie chart was changed into a horizontal bar chart to better accommodate the increased number of exception types. 

The parameter controlling the waiting period for the Purchase order not received exception type was removed as an underutilized feature.

5 General

5.1 Dialog title and action button text enhancements in Edge

Feature ID: ALUSTA-16437
Release: P2P 17.2
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

The following usability enhancements have been done in all dialogs in the Edge client:

In addition to this, the order of action buttons has been changed to improve and unify the look and feel in Basware applications.