This article will explain how to use and what are the limitations of advanced search in professional tools in the purchase (procurement) module.
Make sure:
The user who wants to use this functionality has to have user rights to use professional tools.
More detailed information of the professional tools user rights can be found from P2P Purchase - How to - Purchase User Roles
To access advanced search user needs to go AP > Procurement > Advanced Search.
When opening the advanced search dialog, there are search options: Purchase order header data and Purchase order line data.
Purchase order header data search allows to search orders based on header and line data. Purchase order line data search allows to search orders based on also the coding data. The result of this search shows the number of orders that match the given criteria.
To add search criteria, click Add criteria. It is possible to add additional criteria when only one organization is selected. When multiple organizations are selected for the advanced search, it is not possible to add additional criteria.
It is possible to include open documents or all all documents in the advanced search. Open documents search will find documents that have not been closed or cancelled. All documents will find all documents with all statuses.
Users can save their search by selecting Save and easily run it again later by clicking View saved searches and selecting it from the list.
Additional Information:
The search results' default columns and their places in the grid can be configured in the entities configuration. This can be done by Basware support or consultancy. In case this work is needed, you can create a ticket to our support system.