To determine whether your supplier is registered in Basware Portal, please proceed with the following steps:
3.To search for a specific supplier, type the name, or part of the name, of the supplier in the Search field.
4. To find more search options, next to the Search field, click the arrow and add criteria for your search.
Onboarding status of your suppliers:
1. Supplier not onboarded: Onboarding confirmed, PDF e-invoice: Activation in progress
2.Supplier onboarded: Onboarding confirmed, PDF e-invoice: Activate
<Company details> will lead you to the supplier's overview page, where you can check the organization's details and the contact name.
Note: If you need information related to the email addresses your supplier added for their registration, please contact the supplier directly. As part of our commitment to protect the sensitive data and information, we cannot share any private information belonging to another organization.