This article will explain what are the order sending settings, how to access them in data management, how to configure and use them.
These settings are intended for sending e-orders in cXML format. There are order settings for each supplier. Based on the settings, Basware Network can route the order documents to the correct destination. The supplier provides the necessary settings.
Make sure:
To access the order sending settings in data management, the user will need "Manage order sending settings" user right in AP Administration.
How to access, create and modify the order sending settings:
Configurable sections in the settings
Credentials: fields in this section are used to identify the sender and receiver.
Order posting URL: the address where the order is sent is defined in this field. Some suppliers might require additional authentication.
General settings: Profile is for cXML order customization in Basware Network. If used, this field is used to pass the ID of the profile. Note that this requires collaboration with Basware Network consultant. Deployment mode is to tell the supplier if the order is a test or real.
The history tab will have a list of who made the change and when, but not what was the content of the change.