What should I do if I send my invoices from a no-reply / generic email address?
During the registration for the PDF eInvoice service, it's mandatory to register an email address that will be used to send PDF invoices from.
As soon as the registration process is finalized, a confirmation email will be sent to the email address(es) that you provided during the registration. Each email address that got filled in, will need to be confirmed. If the email address does not get confirmed by you, any invoices that you will be sending, will be rejected.
We strongly recommend the use of an email account that you have access to as any rejection notifications will also be sent back to that email address.
If you're in the situation that you have no other possibility than to send from any other address than a no-reply / generic email, you must ensure that you have access to the inbox of that email address in order to be able to confirm it. In case you do not have access to the inbox yourself, please check with your IT staff if they're able to help out with this.
As an alternative in case your IT staff is also not able to help, Basware Support Consultants can manually confirm the no-reply / generic email address after performing additional checks. In this situation, please contact Basware Support via chat by clicking the button available on the right of the screen.