Basware Purchase-to-Pay 21.5 New Features


1 Introduction

This document contains descriptions of new features in Basware Purchase-to-Pay 21.5 and its maintenance releases.

2 Procurement

2.1 Preferred items in Marketplace

Module(s): Marketplace
Feature ID: ALUSTA-84006
Release: P2P 21.5
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

Sometimes when searching for items in a large catalog, requesters may find many search results for one type of item. It can be hard to know which item is better when there is so much choice. Previously, administrators could mark specific agreements as preferred, which meant all items from that agreement were shown as preferred in the catalog. Now, to better guide users to the best option, administrator buyers can flag specific items in an agreement as preferred. The Preferred status indicates that, when possible, users are encouraged to choose items from this agreement over other similar items. 

When an agreement is published on Marketplace, the preferred items from that agreement are shown with an icon to let requesters know that the item is preferred. Preferred items also appear first in catalog search results. In the search options, users can choose to see only preferred items.

2.2 Template delivery items

Module(s): Marketplace
Feature ID: ALUSTA-82086
Release: P2P 21.5
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

To collect additional information on an order, buyers and suppliers can add templates to items. When the user checks out with the item, a customized form pops up and the user fills in the additional information. 

Templates have previously been available only for standard items. Now, templates can also be added to delivery items. The template can be used to gather additional delivery instructions or other necessary information. 

To use templates for delivery items, the supplier or buyer administrator follows these steps: 

  1. Create the item template in the Item Templates section. 
  2. Add the item template to an existing delivery item and enter the template data.
  3. Add the delivery item to one or more standard items. 
  4. Publish the changes to the agreement.

Then, users can order the items as normal and, if an item they ordered includes a delivery item with a template, they are asked to provide the additional information at checkout. 

For more information on delivery items or how to create templates, check out our resources:

2.3 Enrich purchase requisition with data imported from an external system

Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-3974
Release: P2P 21.5
Feature Implementation: Basware consultant work is needed

Now it is possible to enrich more header and line fields on purchase requisitions using anyERP. For instance, you can set the correct tax code and purchasing category for order lines during the requisition creation or approval process. 

To implement this change for your system, request a service in the Basware Customer Support Portal (

2.4 Export purchasing categories and data to Excel

Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-77783
Release: P2P 21.5
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

It is now possible for users to export purchasing categories and all of their data - Basic data, Supplier, Accounts, and Task management - to an Excel spreadsheet. The spreadsheet includes all purchasing categories for the selected organization and lower organization levels. 

In an upcoming release, users will be able to edit the data in the Excel spreadsheet and import it, easily updating many purchasing categories at once. 

2.5 Purchase document line details shown in Purchase Professional Tools list view - Coding

Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-75353
Release: P2P 21.5
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

When viewing purchase documents in Purchase Professional Tools, buyers can now see, edit, and duplicate each line’s accounts coding in split view. Users can see this by clicking the Lines tab and then selecting Coding. Coding fields are editable in the same way as when the document is fully opened. 

To add additional coding rows, click the Duplicate icon beside an existing coding row, then edit the codes and define the split percentage. The line cost is then split among the coding rows. 

Note: To see document details in Purchase Professional Tools, users must first click the Split View icon.

2.6 Renamed Edge tab from “Purchasing” to “Shop”

Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-81333
Release: P2P 21.5
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

We have renamed the navigation tab from which users can browse the catalog and order items from Purchasing to Shop. We have changed this title to better differentiate between Shop and Procurement (our professional tools), and make our app’s navigation more intuitive. 

2.7 Renamed Purchase Professional Tools tab from “Requisitions, orders, and receipts” to “Purchase documents”

Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-81334
Release: P2P 21.5
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

The Purchase Professional Tools dashboard tab was previously named Requisitions, orders, and receipts. That name did not match Basware naming conventions. 

The tab is now named Purchase documents.

2.8 Reopen closed and matched purchase order lines

Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-77627
Release: P2P 21.5
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

It is now possible to open a purchase order line that has been closed and matched to an invoice. This functionality is useful if a line has been closed in error, or if a user believed no more deliveries of an item were expected but then the supplier was able to provide more. When reopened, the purchase order or line returns to the status that it was in before it was closed.

To perform this action, users must have the “Open purchase orders or purchase order lines” user right. When a user reopens an order or line, they are required to enter a comment. 

2.9 Update purchase order with supplier’s note when supplier accepts or rejects order

Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-80108
Release: P2P 21.5
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

When a supplier accepts or rejects a purchase order, the information that the supplier enters in the Note field is now added to the purchase order’s “Note from supplier” field. Additionally, the purchase order’s “Last comment” field is updated to show the supplier’s note. This way, the Basware Purchase-to-Pay user can see the note that the supplier has left. 

Previously, the supplier’s note was only added to a purchase order if the supplier sent an order change, not an acceptance or rejection.

3 AP Automation

3.1 Workload management - restrict invoice processing to own assigned invoices

Module(s): Invoice Automation
Feature ID: ALUSTA-80036
Release: P2P 21.5
Feature Implementation: Basware consultant work is needed

Now it is possible for AP clerks to have ownership of their own invoices and protect their invoices from being edited by other users. When new tenant setting “Prevent editing invoices that are assigned to other users" is set to True, AP clerks can process only the invoices that have been assigned to them or that are unassigned. When an invoice is assigned to an AP clerk, it is reserved for that clerk and no one else can process it. 

Below is an example of how it works. In this example, the user is AP clerk John. The first invoice on the list is assigned to Mary. Although John has all of the needed user rights to process the invoice, he cannot do so. 


John can process only the invoices that are either assigned to him or that are unassigned.


User rights for assigning invoices have also been enhanced. There are now two separate user rights:

To enable this feature, the new tenant setting “PreventActionOnSSCInvoicesAssignedToOthers” and the existing tenant setting “SSCWorkloadManagementEnabled” must both be enabled.

To implement this change for your system, request a service in the Basware Customer Support Portal (

3.2 Search for invoices that included user as discussion recipient

Module(s): Invoice Automation
Feature ID: ALUSTA-31839
Release: P2P 21.5
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

In document search, users can now find invoices if they have participated in a discussion on the document. This enhancement helps uses find invoices that they have been collaborating on, even when they don’t have a current task for the related invoice. 

Document search finds all invoices for which you have tasks and invoices on which you are a discussion participant. The speech bubble icon indicates invoices on which there are discussions.

3.3 Search for spend plans that included user as discussion recipient

Module(s): Invoice Automation
Feature ID: ALUSTA-81894
Release: P2P 21.5
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

In document search, users can now find spend plans if they have participated in a discussion on the document. This enhancement helps uses find spend plans that they have been collaborating on, even when they don’t have a current task for the related spend plan. 

3.4 Confirm invoices in manual spend plan matching

Module(s): Spend Plans
Feature ID: ALUSTA-82046
Release: P2P 21.5
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

It is now possible to Confirm invoices that are in manual spend plan matching. Confirming an invoice performs a force match if the invoice has a matching error, then sends the invoice from matching to the next activity in the workflow. 

When confirming, the user is prompted to choose a recipient or group of recipients and leave a comment about the force match. 

3.5 Notification for recurring invoice and suggestion to create spend plan

Module(s): Spend Plans
Feature ID: ALUSTA-55887
Release: P2P 21.5
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

Users with the “Create spend plan” user right now receive notifications in AP Pro for invoices that are identified as recurring, based on the criteria defined in Data management > Recurring invoice settings.

From these notifications, the user can view similar invoices and quickly create a spend plan. Creating a spend plan helps automate the processing for recurring invoices and more accurately forecast future spend. 


3.6 Request manual approval for invoices in spend plan matching

Module(s): Spend Plans
Feature ID: ALUSTA-84152
Release: P2P 21.5
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

Users with the  Manage invoices in spend plan matching user right can now request manual approval for invoices in spend plan matching. This action sends the invoice from matching to the workflow according to the invoice configuration. 

Users can select a single approver or send the invoice to a recipient group. The comment field may be mandatory or optional, depending on the organization’s configuration. 

4 Integrations

4.1 P2P consumer for Projects API version 2

Module(s): Integrations
Feature ID: ALUSTA-82638
Release: P2P 21.5
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

The Projects API version 2 fixes Basware Purchase-to-Pay (P2P) issues that existed with projects API version 1.

This change only impacts new customer implementations. Existing customers are not affected.

Learn more about Basware APIs at

5 Platform

5.1 Accessibility improvements for personal users

Module(s): Invoice Automation, Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-84665
Release: P2P 21.5
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

In Edge, we have made accessibility improvements for mobile users and to the professional detail view for personal invoices.

Improvements have been made in the following areas: