This document contains descriptions of new features in Basware Travel & Expense 21.4 and its maintenance releases.
Module(s): Common logic
Feature ID: TEM-2202
Release: TEM 21.4
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically
Audience: Administrators
For organizations in Finland, the per diem allowance calculation has been changed based on the Auto- ja Kuljetusala collective agreement.
Previously when returning back home, the calculation for over 10 hours of traveling after the last full 24 hour period abroad always produced a foreign per diem. Now the calculation produces a partial per diem for the country where the traveler spent the most time, either foreign or home country.
The "Meal allowance" selection on travel days is renamed to AKT Partial per diem for last day. This selection should be used on the last travel day if a domestic partial per diem is paid.
Last day partial per diem co-operative agreement text (in Finnish): "Suomeen palattaessa palkansaajalla on oikeus puoleen viimeksi päättyneeltä matkavuorokaudelta maksetusta ulkomaanpäivärahasta, jos työmatkaan käytetty aika ylittää viimeisen ulkomaan alueella tai sieltä lähteneessä laivassa tai lentokoneessa päättyneen täyden matkavuorokauden yli kahdella tunnilla. Jos työmatkaan käytetty aika ylittää viimeisen ulkomaan alueella tai sieltä lähteneessä laivassa tai lentokoneessa päättyneen täyden matkavuorokauden yli kymmenellä tunnilla, palkansaajalla on oikeus viimeksi päättyneeltä matkavuorokaudelta maksettuun ulkomaanpäivärahaan. Kotimaahan paluun jälkeen alkaneelta matkavuorokaudelta tai sen osalta maksettavan päivärahan enimmäismäärä määräytyy 12 §:n mukaan." "Kotimaan osapäiväraha ja ulkomaan päivä- ja ruokaraha määräytyvät sen mukaan, kummanko päivärahan tai ruokarahan piirissä työntekijä on kussakin jaksossa pääosin oleskellut."
Module(s): Mobile client
Feature ID: TEM-2486
Release: TEM 21.4
Feature Implementation: Customer can take into use
Audience: Travelers
On travel documents, travelers can calculate the carbon footprint from their trip. The link takes the user to an online carbon footprint calculator that their organization has chosen. By calculating the carbon footprint of trips, organizations can better understand their contribution to the global climate and identify ways to improve.
Audience: Administrators
To define which carbon footprint calculator is used, administrators can define the URL in Basic data > Application settings.
The link"s text can also be customized by entering first the custom text, then a pipe ( | ) character, then the URL. For example: "Company ABC carbon footprint calculator|". If the link"s text is customized in this way, the text will not be translated.
Module(s): Mobile client
Feature ID: TEM-2586
Release: TEM 21.4
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically
Audience: Travelers
When entering expenses, the Date field is now pre-populated with a default value. Pre-populating a default date can help decrease manual data entry when recording expenses.
Module(s): Mobile client
Feature ID: TEM-2551
Release: TEM 21.4
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically
Audience: Travelers
When entering vehicle usages, the Date field is now pre-populated with a default value. Pre-populating a default date can help decrease manual data entry when recording vehicle usage.
Module(s): Mobile client
Feature ID: TEM-2485
Release: TEM 21.4
Feature Implementation: Customer can take into use
Audience: Travelers
On travel documents, travelers can offset the carbon footprint their trip causes. The link takes the user to an online carbon footprint offset tool that their organization has chosen. By offsetting the carbon footprint of trips, organizations can demonstrate environmental responsibility and reduce their impact on the global climate.
Audience: Administrators
To define which carbon footprint offset tool is used, administrators can define the URL in Basic data > Application settings.
The link"s text can also be customized by entering first the custom text, then a pipe ( | ) character, then the URL. For example: "Help offset Company ABC"s carbon footprint|". If the link"s text is customized in this way, the text will not be translated.
Module(s): Web client
Feature ID: TEM-2426
Release: TEM 21.4
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically
Audience: Administrators
Under the new Administration section in WebClient, administrators can monitor and manage the travel and expense document process. They can see the documents under different statuses and, when necessary, move one or many documents from one status to another.
Administrators can see the general view of the process as a donut chart and get an idea of how many documents are currently in each status in the process. By hovering the mouse over each section on the donut chart, administrators can see the exact number of the documents in any status.
The Avg. review duration and Avg. approval duration charts show the 10 users who spend the most time performing their review and approval tasks on average. The exact figures can be seen by hovering the mouse over any bar.
Documents can be searched by
or by any combination of these.
Any document can be opened by double-clicking. Its details can then be viewed and edited if necessary.
Documents or groups of documents can also be moved from one status to another.