Product Manager - Create custom mappings in the flexible content loader

If the predefined mappings in the flexible content loader are not applicable to the content you want to upload to the Marketplace catalog, you can create your own mapping. 

  1. Click Product Manager Loader.
  2. Click Mapping Directory.
  3. Click Create.
  4. On the Tools pane, fill out the information (the available fields depend on the file type):
    • Select Destination - Select Agent Stock or Products and Price List.
    • Source File - Select Choose a file, and browse to a CSV, Excel, or XML file that represents the data that you want to upload to the system using this mapping. The system identifies the columns in the file and uses those in the mapping. Note: Before uploading the source file, first check that the File TypeSheet NumberStart RowFile Encoding, and CSV separator fields below are set correctly.
    • File Type - Select the file type.
    • Sheet Number - If you are uploading an Excel workbook with multiple sheets, select the sheet.
    • Start Row - Select the start row of the file. For example, if you have a CSV or Excel file that has a header on the first row, you want the mapping to start on row 2.
    • File Encoding - Select the encoding. The default value is UTF-8 for CSV and Excel files.
    • CSV separator - If you are uploading a CSV file, enter the character that is used to separate values. The default value is "," (comma).
    • Mapping Name - Type a name for the mapping.
    • Mapping Description - Type a description to make sure that users use the mapping for the correct files.
  5. To select where the information from a column in the source file ends up on Basware Marketplace Standard, drag and drop a box from Source Columns (the columns in the source file that you upload) to the correct placeholder under Destination Columns (the fields that exist on Basware Marketplace Standard).
    • The mandatory destination columns are marked with an asterisk ("*").
    • Most boxes appear only once under Destination Columns, but it is possible to add certain boxes multiple times. For example, you can add multiple price breaks.
    • Some placeholders under Destination Columns may consist of multiple boxes. In that case, you must fill in all of the boxes that the placeholder consists of.
  6. If you want to change the information in your source file columns during the upload process, click Mapping Actions, and choose from the following. Several actions can be done to one column during upload by selecting more than one action:
    • Date Format - Change the information in the selected column to date format.
    • Copy Field - Copy a value from another column of your source file.
    • Map - Convert the source value into another value in the destination field. For example, if the value in the source file is "EACH", and you want to convert it to "EA", enter EACH in the first field and EA in the second field.
    • Header - For CSV and Excel files only. Replaces the value of this field with a specified column header, determined by an index. The column index starts at 0 (zero). For example, to use the header from the first column of your spreadsheet, enter 0. To use the header from the second column, enter 1.
    • Organization Value - Returns the organization's tax territory code, such as GBR.
    • Upper Case - Change the text in this column to use only UPPER CASE.
    • Replace - Find all instances of a value in the source field and replace with a different value.
    • Split - Splits the current value into parts based on a specified delimiter, then returns only the part requested with part number. Part numbers start from 0 (zero).
    • Substring - Define the character positions within a value that you want to return or apply a second transform rule to. For example, if you want to return "tax" within the phrase "valid tax information", set the start index to 6 and the end index to 10. Note that the first character's index is 0 (zero). If no end index is defined, the substring will contain all of the original value after the start index.
    • Copy from column if empty -  If the column in the file that you upload is empty, copy the data from the other column that you define here.
    • Set value if empty - If the column in the file that you upload is empty, use the value that you define here.
    • Truncate - Shorten the content of this column by cutting off the characters after the defined number.
  7. If you want use a constant value that is the same regardless of whether it is included in your file or not:
    1. Click Add Constant Column.
    2. Type the value.
    3. Click Add.
    4. Drag and drop the box to the applicable placeholder under Destination Columns.
  8. Click Save Mapping.

You can now use this mapping when you upload content.