Basware Purchase-to-Pay 20.2 New Features


1 Introduction

This document contains descriptions of new features in Basware Purchase-to-Pay 20.2 and its maintenance releases.

2 Procurement

2.1 Duplicate external webshops in Data Management

Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-62818
Release: P2P 20.2
Feature Implementation: Enabled by default for all tenants

Users who can manage external webshops for one or more organizations can now duplicate existing webshops. By selecting a webshop and clicking Duplicate, the webshop’s outbound and inbound field mappings are copied to a newly created webshop.

2.2 Manage Manual Budgets

Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-62191
Release: P2P 20.2
Feature Implementation: Disabled by default

Manual budgets can now be viewed and managed in the Edge interface. Based on their user rights, users can view, manage, or activate manual budgets from the Data Management menu. Users can also archive old budgets and comment on budgets.

Dynamic budgets must still be managed in Workplace. If Dynamic Budgets is enabled, the user sees a message explaining that they must manage budgets from Workplace instead.

2.3 Purchase order document search enhancements

Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-55165
Release: P2P 20.2
Feature Implementation: Enabled by default for all tenants

A few enhancements have been done to the purchase order search in Edge:

2.4 Complete actions on purchase requisitions with warnings

Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-48972
Release: P2P 20.2
Feature Implementation: Enabled by default for all tenants

Previously it was not possible to send a purchase requisition further in the workflow if it included validation warnings. Now, users are alerted to the warnings and can choose to ignore them and send purchase requisitions further in the workflow. 

3 AP Automation

3.1 Advanced validation enhancements

Module(s): Invoice Automation
Feature ID: ALUSTA-64552
Release: P2P 20.2
Feature Implementation: Enabled by default for all tenants

Advanced validation has been enhanced in AP Pro. The system no longer validates new coding rows while they are still empty, which makes it easier for users to add and fill in new coding values. Users can also save the changes done to a single row that contained an advanced validation error.

3.2 Open many invoices as a batch

Module(s): Match Orders
Feature ID: ALUSTA-64716
Release: P2P 20.2
Feature Implementation: Enabled by default for all tenants

Professional users with AP Pro can now select many invoices from the invoice list to open and work on them. 

3.3 Import and match linked purchase orders to invoices

Module(s): Match Orders
Feature ID: ALUSTA-63937
Release: P2P 20.2
Feature Implementation: Disabled by default

Now it is possible to import linked purchase orders to be matched with purchase order-based invoices through Basware API. Linked purchase orders are used when a purchasing solution does not allow modifications to a created purchase order, but the delivered and invoiced items were different than the original order. Additions can be added to a new purchase order that is then linked to the original. 

Typically, invoices can only reference one purchase order. With this enhancement, the system can also find goods receipts and purchase order lines from linked purchase orders.

Business logic is activated with the tenant setting MatchingOrderReference.  This feature is not available with purchase orders created in Basware P2P Purchase or Basware Purchase Manager.