Basware Purchase-to-Pay 19.10 New Features


1 Introduction

This document contains descriptions of new features in Basware Purchase-to-Pay 19.10 and its maintenance releases.

2 Procurement

2.1 Improved decimal field display in free-text forms

Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-56701
Release: P2P 19.10
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

In free-text forms, fields that accept decimal values now follow the same configuration as for purchase requisition drafts. This enhancement has an effect on the number of accepted digits after a decimal and which decimal separator is used.

This enhancement is only available in the Edge user interface.

2.2 More detailed purchase requisition and goods receiving history entries

Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-57711
Release: P2P 19.10
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

Now in a purchase requisition’s history, entries about receiving tasks always refer to the received item’s line number on the purchase requisition, instead of the corresponding purchase order. Additionally, the “Purchase order generated” history entry now includes the corresponding purchase order number as a comment. 

Goods receipt history now only shows entries for items on the corresponding purchase order. Each requisition and receiving entry includes the purchase order line number that was acted on.

This new features is only available in the Edge user interface.

2.3 Set default values for category code and attaching PDF file to purchase order XML

Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-33726
Release: P2P 19.10
Feature Implementation: Basware consultant work is needed

Basware P2P Purchase now supports default values and expressions for two purchasing fields:

The default value for Attach purchase order PDF to XML order is applied when a purchase requisition includes a vendor who receives XML purchase orders. The field can be enabled or disabled by default, and can also be configured visible and/or editable. The default value for category code is applied when a user adds a new free-text line to a purchase requisition or order.

Default values must be set by a consultant. These new features are only available in the Edge user interface. 

2.4 Simplified and restricted Basware Purchase

Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-50461
Release: P2P 19.10
Feature Implementation: Customer can take into use

Two new levels of user access have been added: simplified Basware Purchase and restricted Basware Purchase. 

Users with either of these levels of access can easily request items from any source, get approval, and receive the items. However, they cannot edit requisitions, search for documents, collaborate on documents, be selected as an approver, or perform any more complex purchase functionality. These restrictions prevent the user from being confused or overwhelmed by unnecessary information when trying to place simple orders. 

Additionally, users with access to restricted Basware Purchase cannot see price information at any stage in the purchase process. This level of access can be ideal for temporary workers or external contractors that need to access Basware P2P.

These new features are only available in the Edge user interface.

2.5 Perform batch actions on purchase requisitions in Purchase Professional Tools

Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-7934
Release: P2P 19.10
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

Professional users can now perform the following actions from the Requisitions and orders page of the Procurement tab:

3 AP Automation

3.1 Invoice image viewer with pagination

Module(s): Invoice Automation
Feature ID: ALUSTA-56703
Release: P2P 19.10
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

To improve browsing invoice images in Edge, the Image Viewer now uses pagination. Up to 10 images are shown on each page. 

4 Analytics

4.1 Additional Paid on Time KPI categories

Module(s): Analytics
Feature ID: ALUSTA-56536
Release: P2P 19.10
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

The breakdown of the Paid on Time KPI has been improved to provide the possibility for more granular analysis invoices’ payment outcomes. Earlier only 4 categories were available in the breakdown. Now the following are available:

5 Platform

5.1 Improved Edge experience when using multiple browser tabs

Module(s): Platform
Feature ID: ALUSTA-51704
Release: P2P 19.10
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

Users can more efficiently use the Basware P2P Edge interface in many browser tabs simultaneously.