This document contains descriptions of new features in Basware Purchase-to-Pay 18.8 and its maintenance releases.
Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-38238
Release: P2P 18.8
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically
Now in Edge Documents > Purchase orders > order detail view, there are now the following header level actions: add header comment, resend or cancel an order when XML sending has failed, cancel order, and cancel approval. These actions do not require editing. The owner (who has the “View own purchase orders” or “Manage own purchase orders” user right) or approver (who has the “Approve purchase orders” user right) can add a header comment to the purchase order shown in the Workflow panel and history. If the owner has the “Manage own purchase orders” user right, the owner can resend or cancel the XML order if sending has failed, executing the corresponding task. The owner can also cancel the approval request made to the approver. Now with this right, the owner is also able to cancel the email or XML order from the order details view provided that the order is in a state where it can be canceled (the order’s status cannot be received, closed, or canceled).
Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-33476
Release: P2P 18.8
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically
The Edge Home page now contains a Guided purchasing section. From the Guided purchasing section, your organization employees have a direct access to items they most likely or most frequently need to purchase.
The Guided purchasing section consists of guided purchasing cards that can be linked to Marketplace keywords, free-text forms, or external web shops. These shortcut cards can be defined by organizations themselves. The guided purchasing cards contain an icon and a name that describes the purchasable item or items.
Users with the “Manage welcome pages” user right are able to take guided purchasing into use by adding and publishing guided purchasing cards for their organization. These users will see a prompt to add purchasing cards on the home page and will be able to access the “Edit guided purchasing” page.
To add a guided purchasing card, users need to select an icon, add a title for the card, and define the card linking. The users can also edit, reorder, and remove cards. Cards will be visible to the other users in the organization after they have been saved and published on the configuration page.
Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-34138
Release: P2P 18.8
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically
Now it is possible to drill down from Documents > Purchase orders > order details view to order line details. The order line details page shows the corresponding line’s Line data panel and Coding panel with possible splits as read-only. The user can browse the lines and also view line attachments.
Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-22681
Release: P2P 18.8
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically
Edge now supports recalling the purchase requisition. The user is able to to recall the purchase requisition, edit it, and send it again for approval process. Reasons to recall can be, for example, errors noticed in the sent requisition afterwards and then the user wants to edit the requisition or the approver is out of office and the user wants to change the approver.
Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-5420
Release: P2P 18.8
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically
Edge now supports also the finalize phase for purchase requisitions. Finalize is a phase typically before the approval where the validity of the requisition can be checked and edited. The finalize task can be configured to be personal (the owner of the requisition gets the task) or user right -based (the professional buyers get the task). Personal finalize tasks are fully supported in Edge. User right -based finalize tasks is a professional feature and will still be handled in Workplace. However, documents in the finalize phase can be found using the Document search even if the task allocation would be user right -based.
Module(s): Invoice Automation
Feature ID: ALUSTA-36543
Release: P2P 18.8
Feature Implementation: Basware consultant work is needed
To speed up the recipient selection in row approval with advanced user rights in use, the system can now be configured so that a user can start searching the recipient without having to wait for the whole list to load first. This setting has to be taken in use separately and it affects both Edge and Workplace.
Module(s): Invoice Automation
Feature ID: ALUSTA-27554
Release: P2P 18.8
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically
In Edge personal, user is now able to select one or many coding rows and delete or duplicate all selected coding rows at the same time.
Module(s): Match Orders
Feature ID: ALUSTA-37123
Release: P2P 18.8
Feature Implementation: Basware consultant work is needed
Now it is possible to prevent Match Orders from updating purchase order numbers initially defined in the invoice header data. Earlier, the system modified the list of referenced purchase order numbers after matching. If a purchase order was not matched with the invoice at hand, its order number was removed from the invoice header data. This made it difficult to find the invoice if it ended up partly matched in the manual flow. It was possible to find this invoice only with the purchase order numbers that were already matched. This feature is only in use if it is allowed in the configuration.
Module(s): P2P Admin
Feature ID: ALUSTA-19997
Release: P2P 18.8
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically
To be able to provide support, selected Basware users have limited access to customer data via user interfaces. This access is arranged according to the principle of least privilege. Now Basware users are marked in user registry by adding the word “Basware” into their last name, which improves visibility over Basware personnel and their actions.
Module(s): P2P Admin
Feature ID: ALUSTA-35218
Release: P2P 18.8
Feature Implementation: Basware consultant work is needed before customer can take into use
For advanced security and compliance to regulations on specific sectors, it is now possible to control Basware personnel access. By default, dedicated Basware users, following the principle of least privilege, have access to customer data through user interfaces. The Basware personnel use this access to provide support to customers. SaaS three customers can now request that this user interface level access is controlled by customers’ own user management professionals. If this new model is taken into use, Basware users need to be enabled by customer administrators before a Basware user can access the system to give support. The feature does not affect infrastructure level access rights or disaster recovery access.
Module(s): Platform
Feature ID: ALUSTA-36569
Release: P2P 18.8
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically
A temporary copy is created for each page of the original invoice image document for easier visualization. That visualization can fail in exceptional circumstances and then default pages are shown instead of the invoice page. These default pages have been enhanced to give better guidance to a user so that the user knows how to approve the invoice using original image and so that the user knows when to contact support.