Supplier Guide - Standard Items in Product Manager

Standard Items

Standard items are the basic item type, such as goods and services you sell.

Creating a standard item in Product Manager

From the Item Directory you can access both the Create Item and Edit Item pages.


The Create Item page defaults to Item Type to Standard. Change this to Delivery or Contract if required. (See below for more information on Delivery and Contract Items.) Punchout items are to be configured by Basware staff only. Supplier Item ID is mandatory and is an alphanumeric field. Spaces and some punctuation are permitted between characters. Item template is extra functionality, you will be able to find details on Templated Items on another guide.

Both Name and Description are mandatory.


Select the correct Comparison UOM (Unit of Measure) and set the Comparison Scale. The UOM list includes a range of measures from the default Each through Acres, Bottles, Boxes, Pairs, Days, Weeks, and Months. Comparison Scale helps to create a ‘Price per UOM’ comparison point for buyers.

Select the UNSPSC Classification for your item. This is indexed so people can use what you select to find your item, and is used in your reporting.

If you have files to attach to the item, such as a COSHH sheet or user guide, you can do so in the Linked Media section. Click the button to add a file from the Media Directory.

Images help your products stand out, so be sure to include one or more on your product. If you have images already uploaded in the Media Directory, click the blue button to select it. Once you have added images you can drag them around in this section to set the order they are shown in, with the largest image shown first, and on the search results page. Click on the top right of an image to remove it from the item.

Once the mandatory fields have been completed with valid data you can either Save or Preview the item. Actions you can perform on this page are listed below.

Save: This will save your data into Product Manager

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