Approval Schemes enable you to control who can approve price lists, and in what circumstances. You can set up to 5 levels of rules that can be combined to create sophisticated approval schemes based on the addition or removal of items, and price rises or price reductions. Multiple individuals can be informed via email when a rule is breached.
You can only assign one Approval Scheme to an Agreement. Approval Schemes can be used multiple times across multiple Agreements reducing the need to set and manage an Approval scheme for every Agreement your Organisation may have.
You can access Approval Schemes via Product Manager. Select the ‘Approvals’ menu options on the secondary menu bar or via the Approvals link on the Product Manager home page.
This will display a directory of your Agreement Schemes. You can access and edit Approval Schemes from here or create a new one.
Click ‘Create’ to access the Create Approval Scheme page as shown below:
1. Define a name and a description of your Approval Scheme so it is easily recognisable to you and your administration team
2. Once complete, click ‘Save’ to build your scheme
You will be presented with the below screen which will display a ‘Default level’ rule. The Default rule is mandatory for any Approval Scheme.
Quality scoring rules can be added to an approval scheme to monitor the quality of a supplier managed price list. Buyer administrators can use this tool to enforce a high level of quality for their price lists. If the quality score is too low, the buyer can ask the supplier to improve it by adding pictures and keywords, providing detailed UNSPSC information, and improving other elements.
The buyer can add any of five possible areas to score the price list on. Each area gives a score from 1 (worst) to 5 (best). The average score of the areas can then be seen for each item and the price list as a whole when viewing each price list. The item scoring is determined by the following criteria:
1 - no picture
3 - one picture
5 - two or more pictures
1 - level 1 UNSPSC
3 - level 2 UNSPSC
5 - level 3 or higher UNSPSC
Keywords - only counted if they are different than the item name
1 - no keywords
2 - one keyword
3 - two keywords
4 - three keywords
5 - four or more keywords
Item Details
2 - Item Name and Item ID do NOT match
3 - Item Name and Item ID do not match AND Item name and item description do not match
5 - Item Name and Item ID do not match AND Item name and item description do not match AND all words within the Item ID are 5+ characters long
1 - none
3 - one
5 - two or more