Sharing of content between buying organisations is managed through Groups. Groups have Members and Agreements added to them. Organisations are invited to join groups and can accept or reject the invitation. If they accept, as group members they will be able to view the Agreements and the Agreements’ items that are shared via the group and make those items available to their end users.
Your organisation can be set up to send and receive group invitations at various levels; Community, Network and ‘All.’ The settings include the ability to automatically accept invitations from either:
· Organisations in your community
· Organisations you already share content with
· All organisations
To access Groups click the Product Manager tab and then click Groups as shown below:
In the Groups section you can:
· Create a group
· Edit a group’s description
· Accept or reject invitations to join others’ groups Buyer’s Guide to Groups Page 2 Group Directory
Group Directory
1. Search for groups using the group name.
2. Your search results can be sorted by:
a. Name
b. Last Modified
3. You can view between 25 and 100 items per page.
4. You can apply the following filters to the Agreements:
a. Community Only – groups from your community.
b. My Groups Only – groups you created.
c. Membership Only – groups you are a member of.
d. Invited Only – groups you have been invited to.
e. Rejected Only – groups for which you rejected an invitation to become a member.
f. Clicking “All” removes all filters to show all your groups.
5. The search results show the group name in large blue text, then a block of data with the following information:
a. Type: groups can be of type Community or Standard. Community groups are those that are created by the Community Administrator. Groups created by others are Standard groups.
b. Owner: the organisation managing the group.
c. Status: whether the group is Published or Unpublished.
d. Description: the group owner’s description of the group.
e. Invited: the number of organisations invited to the group.
f. Accepted: the number of organisations who have accepted invitations to the group.
g. Rejected: the number of organisations who have rejected invitations to the group.
h. Agreements: the number of Agreements on the group.
6. To manage your group click the button. This is only available on groups owned by your organisation.
7. To view the Agreements on a group click the button or the group name.
8. To create a group click the Create button.
View Group Agreements
1. Return to the Groups Directory by clicking the ‘Back to…’ link.
2. Search for Agreements using the agreement name, supplier name, or information in the Description or For Supplier fields.
3. Your search results can be sorted by group name only.
4. You can view between 25 and 100 items per page. 5. The search results show the agreement name in large blue text, then a block of data with the following information:
a. Supplier name
b. The number of Items
c. The Description field
d. The Contract Reference.
e. The agreement Expiry Date
6. To view the items on an agreement click the button or the agreement name.