If you want to update to the latest version of the Basware Message software, there are a few things to consider.
In the functionality of the software nothing has changed, it can still do the same tasks as the old versions.
- The latest version is compatible with Windows 8,Windows Server 2012 and newer.
- Minor bugs in the software have been fixed.
- The program is compatible with Java8 and newer.
- Does the software run on a server as a service in the background? If so, please note with which user the service is started;
- Do you use Basware Message or Basware Message LE? This can be found relatively easily by opening the program and the version is posted on the main display or through the system Control Panel: (Open it via Start -> Control Panel. Then, open your installed Programs and Features. Here you will find the installed Basware Message. On the far right you will find the entry Version. If the version number starts with a 1, it is Basware Message LE);
- Do you use the virtual printer (MessagePrinter)? If so, please remember in which folder the files are printed into, because with the update you get a new Basware Message virtual printer;
- Open Control Pannel and go to Devices and Printers. Locate your Message Printer and right click on it then select Printer Properties; In the Ports section you can click the Configure Port button. Copy the path from Output folder;
- If you use Basware Message LE, you do not need this last point;
- If you know these details, you can uninstall the entire Basware Message Software via the normal system Control Panel;
- All folders and the complete configuration will not be deleted!
- You can then download the latest software free of charge from here : Basware Message: Download;
After the download the installation can begin.
Guide 1:
Basware Message LE:
- You will be prompted for your Sender ID during the installation;
- If you do not know, simply enter 4900_0000, the ID will be recognized automatically from your old configuration anyway;
- If the service is required, please select the complete installation;
- If this is not required, please select the standard installation;
Guide 2:
Basware Message:
- Please select Server - Basware Message main application;
- If the service is required, please select the complete installation;
- If this is not required, please select the standard installation;
- A virtual printer will be installed. If you do not need it, you can also delete it later;
- Port Name: Any name for the printer (e.g., online invoices or EDI);
- Gateway Nummer: 4900 for German Gateway or 0001 for Global Gateway;
- Output Folder: Path to the print directory (the folders that you noted);
- You have now installed the latest version and should no longer have problems with Java;
- The old configuration should load automatically when the program is started;
- If you have installed the service, please enter the correct user for the service again ;
- Please note that the new Basware software now has this watermark in another folder, so you must change the entry "watermark" to the new directory:C:\ProgramData\Basware\Basware Message\watermark.tif