The program "Basware Message" needs to send an image in black and white from your document.
This image will be created with a program named "Ghostscript".
If one of the errors is shown:
- Error generating Tiff: ghostscript return code 1
- Error generating TIFF for PS file
- The image is completely empty/white
Then your installed Ghostscript was not able to create an image from your document.
In 90% of all cases, this is because the Ghostscript version is too old and should be updated.
- In very rare cases, your receipt is damaged. This can be checked relatively easily by either trying to open your file or by seeing that the file size is 0KB.
In this case you would have to delete this file and re-create the document;
- Depending on the Basware Message version, the resolution steps are different. If your program version is above version 3.0.4 or 1.0.7LE please use Guide 1, else use Guide 2;
Guide 1:
- Download the latest version of Ghostscript (as 32 or 64 bit version) from:Ghostscript Download.
- Select the Public License version;
- After the download and installation of the new Ghostscript version please open the installation folder;
- Basware Message needs a file gswin32c.exe to be started.
- If you have installed the 64 bit version there is only a gswin64c.exe file in the folder. In this case make a copy of the file gswin64c.exe and rename it to gswin32c.exe;
- You need to tell our software where this new ghostscript-folder has been installed.
- To do this, please open the path for Basware Message (C:\Program Files\Basware\Basware Message);
- You will see a file named “Message.lap” and if you are also using the service there should be a file named “MessageService.lap”;
- In both files you will see an entry “-Dgs.path=”;
- There you can type in the new ghostscript-path (for example "-Dgs.path=C:\Program Files\gs\gs9.27\bin");
- After you have edited this file, please restart Basware Message and the error should be resolved;
Guide 2:
- Download and install Ghostscript as described above in the first 3 steps;
- Now the program has to be told to which path the new Ghostscript version has been installed to.
- In case that you run Message via the graphical user interface (shortcut icon), Right-click on it and go to Properties;
- In Target find the text -Dgs.path=“……….“.
- Here you have to indicate the path to the new Ghostscript version, e.g. -Dgs.path=“C:\Programme\gs\gs9.10\bin“;
- If you also use the Basware Message Service, continue by opening your Windows registry (type regedit.exe in your search bar);
- Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Basware Message\Parameters;
- In the JVM Options locate the line -Dgs.path= and change it to your new path;