Basware Message can use multiple Sender IDs in it's configuration.
If you wish to add a new one please follow the resolution steps.
- Open Basware Message and click on Configuration;

- In Local Configuration click Add;

- You can type in your new Sender ID and confirm with OK;

- Every Sender ID needs an own upload folder. Please create a new one for your Sender ID and configure it in Local path. If needed you can add your company paper;

- To activate your new Sender ID, please go to Server Configuration and press Exchange public keys;

- Your new Sender ID is now completely configured;
- If you are using the Virtual Message Printer, you have to add a new one for your new Sender ID. To add a new printer, please run AddPrinter.exe in your Program Files (C:\Program Files\Basware\Basware Message);

- The configuration pannel will open;

- Port name: this will be the name of your new printer;
- Gateway number: 4900 or 0001(depending on your sender id format 4900_xxxx or 0001_xxxx);
- Output folder: this has to be the same folder as the new Local path in your Basware Message configuration;
- Confirm with OK and the new printer is ready to use;