If you are using Download Manger, you may encounter the error Java Heap Space which will stop the application from retrieving data.
A certain amount of the RAM memory is reserved for the application Download Manager. If the limit is reached but the processing would require more, the program can go into error.
This allocated size can be modified.
Please check which version of Download Manager you have installed.
- If your version is 2.1.1 or newer please use Guide 1;
- If you version is older than 2.1.1 please use Guide 2;
Guide 1:
- In this case open your installation folder usually found in C:\Program Files\Basware\Basware DM;
- Here you will find up to two configuration files named Dm.lap (for your graphical interface) and DmService.lap (for the service);
- To increase the max system memory for the software, you have to modify the entry -Xmx (for example: -Xmx1024m);
- Please restart the software after you have changed these parameters;
Guide 2:
- To give the graphical user interface more RAM, you have to edit the shortcut properties;
- In Target you will find the following information: "C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\javaw.exe" -cp ".\*;" -Ddm.input.folder="C:\ProgramData\Basware\Basware DM\." -Xms64m –Xmx256m de DE . Search for the entry -Xmx128m and increase it for example to -Xmx512m or -Xmx1024m;
- If the software is started on a server as a service, you have to edit the windows registry;
- Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Download Manager\Parameters;
- Here you can increase the value –Xmx128m (JVM Option Number 3) to the amount desired;
- Please restart the service afterwards;