Cookie notice on the Basware AP Automation and Procurement service
Our AP Automation and Procurement service application uses cookies, which are small text files delivered by us, Basware, onto the computer of the users of our service, via their browser.
These cookies, and more particularly the information we retrieve from these cookies, are necessary to allow us to deliver our service to our customers, to store user preferences, to analyze how our service is used by the users, to maintain the security of the users while using our service and to develop and improve our service.
The information we retrieve from cookies is safeguarded by our standard security measures. It can be shared among systems and teams within our Basware Group of affiliated companies, on a need-to-know basis. We ensure it is only used as long as necessary and not further disclosed to any third party outside the Basware Group, except as otherwise mentioned in the list below.
Our service application uses the following cookies:
dtCookie, dtLatC, dtPC, dtSa, rxvisitor, rxvt: These cookies allow us to monitor the performance of our services and identify and troubleshoot problems quickly.
Gainsight PX
apt.uid, apt.sid: These cookies allow us to provide users with context-sensitive in-app user guidance in Basware AP Automation and Procurement. The data also provides us with site and feature usage analytics.
Google Analytics
_ga, _gat , _gat_approTracker, _gid: These cookies allow us to see how our service is used by the users in general, including, for example, first-time users, location and chosen language. The information we retrieve is masked, IP addresses are anonymized, and displayed as aggregated numbers (meaning it cannot be tracked back to any individual user) before our usage.
Amazon Web Services
AWSALB, AWSALBCORS: These cookies are created by AWS load balancers in order to maintain load balancer sessions. Load balancers distribute sessions in Basware among the available servers, to improve our services' availability and performance.
BW_CookieInfoShown: This cookie stores the user's cookie information message display preference.
BW_UnsupportedBrowserWarningShown: This cookie stores the user's unsupported browser version message display preference.
Performance logging
Login_Perf_Data: This cookie is used for service performance metrics, e.g. to combine different requests from the same user.
Authentication Cookies
These cookies are used to authenticate requests from the user.
BW_P2PAccessId: This cookie stores a unique identifier for the user session.
BW_P2PTenantId: This cookie stores the tenant (customer system) ID.
P2PTenant: This cookie stores the tenant (customer system) code.
ASP.NET_SessionId: This cookie stores a unique identifier of the session.
BW_P2PLoginType: This cookie stores the type of authentication used.
BW_P2PUserType: This cookie stores the type of the authenticated user.
BW_OpsPortalAccessId_*: This cookie grants access to the configuration tool.
BW_AnalyticsTenantId: This cookie stores the tenant (customer system) ID for use in our Analytics product.
basware-saas: This cookie is used for network routing.
_AntiAspxXsrfPageToken: This cookie is used in Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) prevention.
FedAuth: This cookie is used for federated authentication, a type of single sign-on authentication.
Authentication Cookies - Basware Access
AccessToken: This cookie contains Access-related data such as session, metadata etc. Used by all clients.
ReAuthAccessToken: Cookie built for certain client specific use use-cases. Created in Access, used by client.
AccessRealm: Access cookie that contains realm-related information, such as default realm.
AccessTrackingID: Cookie built for certain client specific use use-cases. Created in Access, used by client.
mfa: Cookie contains information if user has two-step verification enabled in Access. If enabled, users can see two-step verification settings on their Basware AP Automation and Procurement user settings page.
Authentication Cookies - Basware Marketplace
PRC_SESSION: The cookie is used to maintain the Marketplace user session.
selectedPurchaseOrg*: This cookie stores the user's selected purchasing organization.
Authentication Cookies - Analytics
tableau_online_id: This cookie is used to authenticate requests from users of our Analytics product.
workgroup_session_id: This cookie is used to authenticate requests from users of our Analytics product.