FAQ - How does InvoiceReady select a supplier for an electronic invoice

InvoiceReady selects a supplier for an electronic invoice, using the following data:

  • EDI ID
  • Business ID
  • Bank account
  • Supplier name. The name must be written exactly as in the electronic invoice and in the supplier data for the name based identification to succeed.

The relevant data regarding the following elements is checked in the electronic invoice XML material: <SellerOrganisationUnitNumber>, <SellerPartyIdentifier>, <SellerAccountID>, <EpiAccountID> and <SellerOrganisationName>.

The data in the electronic invoice material is compared one by one to the supplier data in the order listed above. If in this way one single supplier is found from the supplier list to which the identification data matches, the electronic invoice is identified to this supplier. If more than one supplier is found, the identification is continued with combinations of identification data. If a single supplier is found in this way, the electronic invoice is identified to this supplier.

If more than one supplier are found, even by combining identification data, the Supplier field in the Create Purchase Invoice screen will have a red frame for the invoice in question. Next to the Supplier field there is an exclamation mark with a tooltip with the text "Several suppliers were found for the allocation data".

If no supplier is found upon identification, the Supplier field of the invoice is left blank.


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