What is the issue?
The error displayed in Basware Message is:

The company paper doesn’t have the necessary compression.
Check this:
The company paper must have the following scan settings:
- Format: TIFF
- Size: DIN-A4 (21cm x 29,7 cm)
- Resolution: 300 dpi
- Color range: schwarz/weiß (keine Graustufen!)
- Compression: CCITT Gruppe 4 Fax
In order to transform the company paper in the properly format please follow the next steps:
- Please download and install the IrfanView program on your pc (either 34 or 64 bit, according to your operating system):
- After installing, please open your company paper (in tiff format) with IrfanView.
- Click on Image and select Resize/Resample image.

- Please set the new size (width 21 cm and height 29.7 cm) and the resolution (DPI: 300) accordingly, then click OK.
NOTE: Don't forget to check "Apply sharpen after Resample" as is shown in the screenshot below.

- Go to Image again and click on Decrease color depth.

- Please select the black and white colors.

- Now click on File > Save As.
- Please select the compression CCITT Fax 4 from the box with the TIFF save options and save the file in the location you prefer.

Now the company paper can be added in Basware Message.
Additional Information:
- In the Knowledge article BWKB0013713 you can find more details on adding the company paper in Basware Message.