This document contains descriptions of new features in Basware Purchase-to-Pay 16.4.
Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-4829
Release: P2P 16.4
Now, a purchasing category with the validity period in future becomes automatically visible in Shop according to its validity period provided that its status is set to Active in advance. Earlier, the user needed to manually activate the purchasing category during the validity period and only after that the purchasing category became visible in Shop.
Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-6996
Release: P2P 16.4
The budget data in the P2P system is now made visible by providing a simple budget list view. The view is available in the Professional Mode, under the Budget Management tab and is available for all users permitted to use the Professional Mode.
The view provides a simple list view of the budget data with selectable, sortable, and filterable columns.
Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-3430
Release: P2P 16.4
The supplier can see that the buyer provided additional information about the free-text item in XML Order/Order change. The free-text information is delivered in XML Order and Order Change within dedicated XML elements.
The additional information for the free-text item consists of two parts: name and value. The name origins from the label of text field or text area, which has been configured for a free-text form. The value origins from the data on the free-text item in Shop or on the purchase requisition.
The Name and Value of the free-text information are now provided in XML Order/Order change in separate elements in Order Order line Line item Item Additional item property.
cac:AdditionalItemProperty cbc:Nameadditional item info:Size/cbc:Name cbc:ValueM/cbc:Value cac:AdditionalItemProperty cbc:Nameadditional item info:Color/cbc:Name cbc:Valueblue/cbc:Value
Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-403
Release: P2P 16.4
The shopping cart view now displays the lead time, gross total, and text total in Edge Shop. Also the shopping cart item count is now displayed on the shopping cart icon.
Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-7173
Release: P2P 16.4
The user can add comments to the purchase requisition when having an approving task on the My task list in Edge. With the feature, the user can enrich and clarify the purpose of the purchase requisition.
Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-4393
Release: P2P 16.4
In the My Tasks Goods receipt view, the receivers can now search the receiving task also with purchase order number (type it into the Free-text field) and Supplier.
Module(s): Invoice Automation, Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-4106
Release: P2P 16.4
To improve and unify the look feel in Basware applications, the following visual enhancements have been done:
Module(s): Match Orders
Feature ID: ALUSTA-1957
Release: P2P 16.4
Now it is possible to forward an invoice to row approval after the invoice has been matched with a purchase order. In previous versions this was possible only by customization. The automation follows the process configuration. After automatic matching, it is possible to set row approval as the following activity. The system will pick up the row approval activity and find out the correct recipients to invoice coding rows. This feature is applicable for automatic matching and for the Force Match and Request Manual Approval actions in the Manual Matching view. In the invoice details view, users can approve or reject the coding rows appointed to them.
Module(s): Invoice Automation
Feature ID: ALUSTA-3437
Release: P2P 16.4
The Comment function has been enhanced so that comments can now be added in the invoice details view as well.
Module(s): Invoice Automation
Feature ID: ALUSTA-9347
Release: P2P 16.4
Coding rows are now editable in the Edge client. A user can add or edit a coding row when the existing information is incorrect or missing.
Users can search and select items from selection lists and edit sums and text fields in coding. The format of the coding row is validated. Mandatoriness and business rules are based on customer’s configuration.
If the system requires coding data to be entered before the invoice can be approved, the user is asked to add coding already in the task list view.
Users can also delete coding rows in the Edge client.
Module(s): Invoice Automation
Feature ID: ALUSTA-7009
Release: P2P 16.4
In the Edge client, the task list has been enhanced to show the latest action on an invoice along with a time stamp and a related comment (if there is one).
For purchase requisitions and goods receipts, the task list shows the purpose of the purchase requisition, a time stamp, and the name of the user who created the document.