AP automation status codes





​Invoice Status ​Invoice Secondary Status

Received = 0

Matching = 1

Workflow = 2

Transfer = 3

Completed = 4

Cancelled = 5

Archive = 6

AnyERP = 7

Closed = 8

Historical = 9




​Draft = 0
Process Started = 1
In Validation = 2
Valid = 3
Not Valid = 4
OM Automatic Matching = 5
OM Manual Matching = 6
Waiting For GR = 7
Review = 8
Row Approve = 9
Header Approve = 10
Admin Approve = 11
Ready For Transfer = 12
Waiting For Transfer = 13
Transferred = 14
Transfer Failed = 15
Unclear = 16
No Status = 17
Waiting For Archiving = 18
Archived = 19
Ready For AnyErp Processing = 20
Waiting For AnyErp Processing = 21
AnyErp Processing Done = 22
AnyErp Processing Failed = 23
Returned = 24
PP Automatic Matching = 25
PP Manual Matching = 26
Completed = 27
Cancelled = 28
Personal Draft = 29
Row Review = 30
AutomaticCoding = 31
Closed = 32
CancelledStatusUpdateFailed = 33

Historical = 34

WaitingForERP = 35,

DifferenceHandling = 36

WaitingForDiscount = 37

CreditNoteProcessing = 38

CreditNoteTransferInProgress = 39

CreditNoteTransferFailed = 40

CreditNoteWaitingForERP = 41

InDelay = 42

InPrebook = 43

UndoMatching = 44

CompletedInCloud = 204

CancelledInCloud = 205

ClosedInCloud = 208​


Invoice Prebook Status

NotPrebooked = 0
PrebookInProgress = 1
Prebooked = 2
PrebookFailed = 3

WaitingForPrebookERP = 4​



Invoice Validation Failed Codes

0 = None

1 = ImageMissing

2 = Duplicate

3 = MandatoryDataMissing

4 = MultipleErrors

5 = SupplierCheckFailed

6 = InvalidReferenceNumber

7 = InvalidValue

8 = AdditionalCostImbalanced



Invoice Origin Basware ​Invoice Origin
​Unknown = 0
​Manually created = 1
​E-Invoices = 2 ​EmailLite, VP
​Basware Supplier Portal = 3 ​BP, SupplierPortal
​Basware Scan = 4 ​ScanningService, ScannedEmail, CloudScan, CloudScanSelfValidation
​Other Scanned Invoices = 5 ​InHouseScanning

​Selfbilling = 6

Migrated = 7

Chargeback = 8


Enumeration expressed using Network origin data - (This will be populated in the "OriginService" column of IA_Invoice table)

Note that these Enumeration values are defined to be Integer values. Meaning they will be represented across systems as numerical values, not text strings. This requires any value less than 100 to be a numerical value, such as 0, or 10, not 000 or 010.

Unknown Unidentified source Unknown - 0   The last option Completely unknown Unknown
E-invoice Receiving   Electronic  

100 <HEADER_INFO> <TITLE   INFO_TYPE="Origin">ServiceEnumeration</TITLE><CONTENT>100</CONTENT></HEADER_INFO> Service = Electronic** See below  enum 104 where it says at times we don't know exact sub category of origin service for E-Invoice, so in that case for e-invoice flow only we can have enum 100 as a corner case.

Electronic invoice but sub-category unknown 

Electronic invoice, sub-category unknown ​

  E-invoice   Basware 101 <HEADER_INFO> <TITLE   INFO_TYPE="Origin">ServiceEnumeration</TITLE><CONTENT>101</CONTENT></HEADER_INFO> anything that is not one of the next three Electronic invoice from direct Basware connection or virtual operator E-invoice
  E-invoice   Interop 102 <HEADER_INFO> <TITLE   INFO_TYPE="Origin">ServiceEnumeration</TITLE><CONTENT>102</CONTENT></HEADER_INFO> origin account has interoperator setting either in BT or in ONP Electronic invoice from another e-invoice service provider (operator) network E-invoice (Interop)
  E-invoice   Peppol 103 <HEADER_INFO> <TITLE   INFO_TYPE="Origin">ServiceEnumeration</TITLE><CONTENT>103</CONTENT></HEADER_INFO> origin system is Peppol (9000) Electronic invoice from Peppol network (Peppol AP->ICS->BT) E-invoice (PEPPOL)
Point to point E-invoice   EDI 104 <HEADER_INFO> <TITLE   INFO_TYPE="Origin">ServiceEnumeration</TITLE><CONTENT>104</CONTENT></HEADER_INFO> How to identify? If not possible it will be 100 by default Electronic invoice from point-to-point EDI integration (GW->ICS->BT) E-invoice (EDI)
Portal for Suppliers Portal Key-In   200   Service = KeyIn Created in Basware Supplier Portal Basware Supplier Portal
      - 201 <HEADER_INFO> <TITLE   INFO_TYPE="Origin">ServiceEnumeration</TITLE><CONTENT>201</CONTENT></HEADER_INFO> Key-in - Portal key-in
        202 <HEADER_INFO> <TITLE   INFO_TYPE="Origin">ServiceEnumeration</TITLE><CONTENT>202</CONTENT></HEADER_INFO> Invoice data originates from PO flip
Credit memo data originates from invoice flip
  Portal PO/Invoice flip
PDF E-Invoice PDF E-invoice PDF   300   Service = PDF Sent via PDF Email sending (i.e Gateway) PDF invoice, sent by email 
      - 301 <HEADER_INFO> <TITLE   INFO_TYPE="Origin">ServiceEnumeration</TITLE><CONTENT>300</CONTENT></HEADER_INFO> PDF invoice, sent by email - PDF e-Invoice, sent by email 
SmartPDF SmartPDF SmartPDF   400   Service = SmartPDF AND sub category Sent via SmartPDF Email sending (i.e to pdf.basware.com domain) PDF invoice, sent through Basware SmartPDF
  SmartPDF mapped   ML 401 <HEADER_INFO> <TITLE   INFO_TYPE="Origin">ServiceEnumeration</TITLE><CONTENT>401</CONTENT></HEADER_INFO> SourceExtractionCategory = ML Processed by machine learning SmartPDF - AI
  SmartPDF mapped   Template 402 <HEADER_INFO> <TITLE   INFO_TYPE="Origin">ServiceEnumeration</TITLE><CONTENT>402</CONTENT></HEADER_INFO> Guess based on GW processing (only from ONP) Processed by GW SmartPDF -template
  SmartPDF   OCR 403 <HEADER_INFO> <TITLE   INFO_TYPE="Origin">ServiceEnumeration</TITLE><CONTENT>403</CONTENT></HEADER_INFO> Guess based on Xerox processing (only from ONP) Processed by Xerox SmartPDF - OCR
SelfValidation ​Self Validation ​404 <HEADER_INFO> <TITLE   INFO_TYPE="Origin">ServiceEnumeration</TITLE><CONTENT>404</CONTENT></HEADER_INFO>
Service is SmartPDF and sourceExtractionCategory = ML and ProcessingQualityIndicator contains HumanSelfValidation
​Service is SmartPDF and sourceExtractionCategory = ML and ProcessingQualityIndicator contains HumanSelfValidation
​SmartPDF - Self Validated
Scan & Capture Scan & Capture Scan   500   Service = Scan AND sub category OCRd by Xerox Scan and Capture 
  Scan & Capture email   Email 501 <HEADER_INFO> <TITLE   INFO_TYPE="Origin">ServiceEnumeration</TITLE><CONTENT>501</CONTENT></HEADER_INFO> SourceChannelCategory = ElectronicEmail Send via Email as an image (i.e to bscs.basware.com domain) and processed by Xerox Scan and Capture - email
  Scan & Capture paper   Paper 502 <HEADER_INFO> <TITLE   INFO_TYPE="Origin">ServiceEnumeration</TITLE><CONTENT>502</CONTENT></HEADER_INFO> SourceChannelCategory = PostalMail Sent via Postal mail and processed by Xerox Scan and Capture - paper
  Scan & Capture self-scanned   Paper selfscan 503 <HEADER_INFO> <TITLE   INFO_TYPE="Origin">ServiceEnumeration</TITLE><CONTENT>503</CONTENT></HEADER_INFO> SourceChannelCategory = PostalMail Sent via Postal mail to customer who scans and uploads (SFTP) via Basware to Xerox (similar to CloudScan with Basware Validation but without CloudScan client) Scan and Capture - self-scanned
CloudScan CloudScan CloudScan   600   Service = CloudScan AND sub category Scanned by CloudScan application Scanned by Basware CloudScan
  CloudScan self-validated   Self Validation 601 <HEADER_INFO> <TITLE   INFO_TYPE="Origin">ServiceEnumeration</TITLE><CONTENT>601</CONTENT></HEADER_INFO> ProcessingQualityIndicator contains HumanSelfValidation Validated by the scanning customer CloudScan with self-validation
  CloudScan   Basware Validation 602 <HEADER_INFO> <TITLE   INFO_TYPE="Origin">ServiceEnumeration</TITLE><CONTENT>602</CONTENT></HEADER_INFO> ProcessingQualityIndicator contains HumanValidation Validated by Basware (i.e Xerox) CloudScan with Basware-validation
P2P Connector 3rd Party Network 3rdPartyNetwork   700   How to identify these? With current logic will get identified as 101 Integration of 3rd party service provider invoices to P2P by using BT as the integration sw (as P2P connector) Others - Including 3rd party and P2P Connector
      3rd party Electronic 701 <HEADER_INFO> <TITLE   INFO_TYPE="Origin">ServiceEnumeration</TITLE><CONTENT>701</CONTENT></HEADER_INFO> SourceChannelCategory = Electronic One directional point-to-point delivery to P2P, not an interop connection 3rd party electronic
   ​   3rd party OCR 702 <HEADER_INFO> <TITLE   INFO_TYPE="Origin">ServiceEnumeration</TITLE><CONTENT>702</CONTENT></HEADER_INFO> SourceChannelCategory = PostalMail One directional point-to-point integration of OCR service providers (E.g. Readsoft, Kofax). No validation, just delivery to P2P 3rd party OCR
P2P Invoices   Alusta invoices   800 Alusta will write these straight to DB     Basware P2P
         801 Manually created     Manually created by user in P2P 
         802 Self billing      Self-billing
         803 Chargeback      Chargeback
         804 Migration      Migration
​900 ​External Invoices ​External invoices imported from other sources than BT ​External Invoices

IA Coding Row Origin


InvoiceAutomation = 0

AutomaticMatchingOrder = 1

ManualMatchingOrder = 2

AutomaticMatchingPay​mentPlan = 3

ManualMatchingPaymentPlan = 4

AdditionalCostRowAddedByUser = 5

InvoiceAutomaticCoding = 6​



IA Coding Row  OriginStandard enumeration​


InvoiceAutomation = 0
AutomaticMatchingOrder = 1
ManualMatchingOrder = 2
AutomaticMatchingPaymentPlan = 3
ManualMatchingPaymentPlan = 4
AdditionalCostRowAddedByUser = 5

InvoiceAutomaticCoding = 6

CreditNote(discount) = 7

InvoicePersonalTemplateCoding = 8

InvoiceSharedTemplateCoding = 9

InvoiceDifferenceTemplateCoding = 10

SmartCodingOriginal = 11

SmartCodingAI = 12

SmartCodingAdjustment = 13
​AdditionalCostRowAddedBySystem = 14
CreatedByExternally = 15

ImportedFromExcel = 16
SmartCodingAIOtherOptions = 17

... = null




​​Invoice Line Status

Unmatched = 0

Matched = 1

PartiallyMatched = 2

MatchedWithError = 3​​



​​Invoice Line type


Regular = 0
AdditionalCost = 1
SystemGenerated = 2
Subsequent = 3
Bestfit = 4
OriginalNonUsable = 5
AdditionalCostEdge = 6​




​Invoice Line and Coding Row Origin/Sealed Status

​​​​IA = 0​

AutomaticOrderMatching = 1

ManualOrderMatching = 2

AutomaticPaymentPlanMatching = 3

ManualPaymentPlanMatching = 4

anyERP = 5

SelfBilling = 6​


Coding External Validation Status

NotValidated = 0

InValidation = 1

Ok = 2

Warning = 3

Error = 4

NotSubjectToValidation = 5 


​​Process Activation Status​

​NoProcessExists = 0

NotActivated = 1

Activated = 2​​​


​Invoice Processing Status
​ ​

NoProcessOnGoing = 0

SendToProcessOnGoing = 1​


​Invoice Batch Action Status

​Ok = 0
Error = 1​


TransferNotInitiated = 0

TransferRequested = 1

Transferred = 2

TransferFailed = 3​​




​Matching Status ​Matching Secondary Status

Unmatched = 0
Matched = 1
Partially Matched = 2
Matched With Errors = 3
Unmatched With Credit Note = 4
Partially Matched With Credit Note = 5

​New = 0
CategoryNotFound = 1
CategoryFound = 2
Associated = 3
AssociationFailed = 4
Validated = 5
ValidationFailed = 6
EndProcess = 7
RematchByUser = 8
ForceMatchByUser = 9
CancelMatchByUser = 10
PartiallyAssociated = 11
CopyCoding = 12
Adjustment = 13
ValidationFailedMatchManually = 14
WaitingGoodsReceipts = 15
WaitingErpUpdate = 16
OMConfigrationNotFound = 17
InvoiceSaveFailed = 18
RequestManualInvoiceApproval = 19
WaitingGoodsReceiptsFailed = 20
MatchingFailedUnexpectedly = 21
LicenseCheckFailed = 22
CalculationMethodNotFound = 23
CreditInvoiceFound = 27
SupplierValidationFailed = 28
CurrencyValidationFailed = 29
UnitOfMeasureValidationFailed = 30
OrganizationUnitValidationFailed = 31
ProductCodeValidationFailed = 32
TaxCodeValidationFailed = 33
PriceValidationFailed = 34
CodingValidationFailed = 35
ToleranceValidationFailed = 36
QuantityValidationFailed = 37
MultipleValidationsFailed = 38 
Validity Period Validation Failed = 39
AbsoluteFrameworkOvermatchError = 53 PercentualFrameworkOverMatchError = 54 PercentualAutomaticFrameworkMatchError = 55 FrameworkValidityPeriodError = 56
ReturnPOWithPositiveInvoiceSum = 57
Association Failed Send To Workflow = 58
SelfApprove = 59
RequireManualActivity = 60 

InQueueForAssociation = 61,

TwoWayAssociationError = 62,

MultiplePOTypes = 63,

ExchangeRateNotFound = 64,

InQueueForBestFit = 65,      

WaitingForPO = 66,

PaymentTermCodeValidationFailed = 67

ChargebackFailedAutomaticHandling = 68

ChargebackFailed = 69

UndoMatchingByActivity = 70

LimitViolation = 72

FrameworkTresholdTotalMatchPercentual = 73



Order side Status[Order, Row, GR]


NotMatched = 0

Unmatched = 1

FullyMatched = 2

PartiallyMatched = 3

Overmatched = 4

Cancelled = 5​



​Matching Error Status ​Payment Plan Matching Error Status

​NoError = 0
ConfigurationError = 1
CategoryError = 2
MissingGRsError = 3
ValidationError = 4
ExpressionError = 5
MultipleErrors = 6
InvoiceLineNotFoundError = 7
CalculationMethodNotFoundError = 8
Warning = 9
NoOrderRowAssociated = 10
AdditionalCostError = 11
SupplierValidationError = 12
CurrencyValidationError = 13
PriceValidationError = 14
QuantityValidationError = 15
CodingValidationError = 16
ToleranceValidationError = 17
OrganizationUnitValidationError = 18
ProductCodeValidationError = 19
TaxCodeValidationError = 20
UnitOfMeasureValidationError = 21 AbsoluteFrameworkOvermatchError = 36
PercentualFrameworkOverMatchError = 37
PercentualAutomaticFrameworkMatchError = 38
FrameworkValidityPeriodError = 39
SubsequentInvoiceQuanityValidationError = 40
InvoiceRowSumAndQuantityValidationError = 41
SubsequentCreditInvoiceSumValidationError = 42
CannotAssociateServicePOIfGRsAreNotInUse = 43
ServiceEntrySheetNotAccepted = 44

​No Error = 0
Payment Schedule Sum Tolerance Error = 1
Payment Schedule Date Tolerance Error = 2
Multiple Errors = 3 Error = 255




Payment Plan Status ​Payment Plan Secondary Status

​Received = 0
Workflow = 10
Approved = 20
Archived = 30
Removal = 40

​Imported = 0
Draft = 10
Process Started = 11
In Validation = 12
Valid = 13
Header Approve = 50
Deactivated = 60
Active = 70
Expired = 80
No Status = 90
Invalid = 120
Review = 130
Waiting For Activation = 140






​Purchase Requisition Status ​Purchase Order Status

​Draft = 0
Returned To Owner = 1
In Workflow = 2
Approved = 6
Ordered = 9
Partially Received = 13
Received = 14
Canceled = 16
Rejected = 17
Order Created = 19

​Ready for Order = 8
Ordered = 9
Supplier Rejected = 10
Supplier Confirmed = 11
Modified by Supplier = 12
Partially Received = 13
Received = 14
Canceled = 16

Order Created = 19

Closed = 21



​Order Sub Status ​Purchase Line Status

​Supplier Confirmed = 0
Supplier Rejected = 1
Supplier Confirmed Changes = 2
Supplier Sending Failed = 3

Draft = 0

ReturnedToOwner = 1
InWorkflow = 2
Reviewed = 3
Recommended = 4
Opposed = 5
Approved = 6

Confirmed = 7
ReadyForOrder = 8
Ordered = 9

SupplierRejected = 10
SupplierConfirmed = 11
ModifiedBySupplier = 12
PartiallyReceived = 13
Received = 14
CostLine = 15
Canceled = 16

Rejected = 17
Deleted = 18
OrderCreated = 19
AttachedToOrder = 20
Closed = 21
SelfApproved = 22





Task State
Initialized = 0
Pending = 1
Forwarded = 2
Failed = 3
Cancelled = 4
Completed = 5
Rejected = 6
Hold/Reserved = 7
Duplicate Task = 8
Suspended = 9
Error = 10
CompletedAndTerminated = 11 (process cancelled)

Process Instance State
None = 0
Active = 1
Completed = 2
Canceled =3
Suspended = 4
In Error = 5

Activity Instance State
None = 0
Initiallized = 1
Executing = 2
Completed =3
Skipped = 4


In Validation
Not Valid



Waiting for GR


Row Approve
Header Approve


Ready For Transfer
Waiting For Transfer
Transfer Failed

