An Agreement in Product Manager pulls together all the elements that enable you and a supplier to review, approve and publish content to the Marketplace.
To access your Agreements, click the Product Manager tab and then click Agreements:
You can create four types of agreements:
More information on Agreement Type is provided below on the Agreement Detail Page guide.
As agreements are created, approved, published and updated they go through the following states:
· Draft: agreements you have created, but not yet sent to a supplier.
· Awaiting Response: agreements waiting for suppliers to attach a price list.
· Awaiting Price Approval: agreements with price lists that need to be approved.
· Expiring Soon: agreements that will expire within the next thirty days.
· Expired: agreements that have expired.
· Active: agreements with an approved price list.
The above states and the agreement types are also filters on the Agreement Directory, so you can quickly filter and find the agreement you need. In the Agreements section you can:
· Find, create, share, edit, publish and archive agreements.
· Add information for the supplier
· Define approval rules and contacts
· Add a contract reference that can be used by your users to filter the items in the Marketplace
· Approve or reject and download price lists
· Exclude and include items from the price list
1. Search for agreements using the agreement name, supplier name, or information in the Description field.
2. Your search results can be sorted by:
a. Relevance
b. Agreement Name
c. Supplier
d. Start Date
e. Expiry Date
f. Date Last Modified
3. You can view between 25 and 100 items per page.
4. You can apply the following filters to the agreements:
a. Filter by type of agreement, Organisation or Punchout
b. Filter by the state of the agreement
i. Draft
ii. Awaiting Response
iii. Awaiting Price Approval
iv. Expiring Soon
v. Expired
vi. Active
c. Clicking “All” removes all the filters to show all your agreements
5. The search results show the agreement name in large blue text, then a block of data with the following information:
a. Supplier name
b. The agreement status
c. An extract of the Description field
d. The type of agreement
e. When the agreement was last modified
f. When the agreement expires
6. To manage the agreement click the icon.
Note, some fields are editable, clicking the field will then cause it to become editable:
1. Return to the Agreements Directory by clicking the ‘Back to…’ link.
2. The agreement header section comprises the following fields:
a. The Name of the agreement is shown in blue. Editable.
b. Type – Organisation, Agent, Punchout or Framework. Not editable once the agreement has been created.
c. Language – the language you would prefer the supplier to provide the content in.
d. Currency – the currency of the items. The supplier must provide a price list in the currency you select.
e. Status – see the Summary section for a description of the statuses.
f. Start & Expiry Dates - These combine with the price list start and expiry dates to set the period during which the items are shown in the Marketplace. The latest start date and the earliest expiry date are used.
g. Description – your internal description of the agreement.
h. For Supplier – information or instructions you wish to provide to the supplier
i. Keywords – the data you enter here will not be shown on the items, but your end users will be able to use them as search keywords to find the agreement’s items.
3. Supplier – The supplier this Price List is for, this section will differ for Agent Agreements and Framework Agreements
4. In the Attributes section you can add a Contract Reference and the Territory of the agreement.
a. You can use the information Contract Reference to find the agreement in the Agreement Directory, and in Marketplace it can be used as a search term or a filter.
b. Territory is for your reference only. If you are part of an international organisation you may wish to show which territory the agreement is for.
5. Content Tags – These are searchable and filterable tags that show in the Shopping screen, This also includes Custom attributes and other additional filters
6. If you click the cog icon in the Approval section the system will either
a. Display the approval scheme has been set on the agreement (and any others that are available), or
b. If a price list is waiting to be approved it will take you to the Agreement Item Details page so you can review the price list.
7. Price List - Once the supplier has attached a Price List the name, the number of items, it’s status and the date of the last action are shown. Click the cog icon to manage the items on the Price List Item Details page (see below).
1. Return to the agreement by clicking the ‘Back to…’ link.
2. The item details header section comprises the following fields:
a. If there is a price list awaiting approval then the header section shows:
i. The Current Price List name, plus it’s Start Date and Expiry Date.
ii. The Proposed Price List name, plus it’s Start Date and Expiry Date.
b. If the price list does not require approval, then the header section shows:
i. The Previous Price List name, plus it’s Start Date and Expiry Date.
ii. The Current Price List name, plus it’s Start Date and Expiry Date.
3. You can Search the price list for specific items.
4. Your search results can be sorted by Relevance or by Name (A to Z or Z to A), and you can view between 25 and 100 items per page.
5. Numerous filters are available to help you understand the price list and any changes:
a. Price Increased
b. Price Decreased Buyer’s Guide to Agreements
c. Cannot Compare
d. Removed from the price list
e. Added to the price list
f. Excluded (Yes or No)
g. Product Type
h. Which approval Rule Level has been triggered by the new price list.
6. For each item the page shows:
a. Item ID
b. Unit of measure (UOM)
c. If price has changed then the Changes field tells you what they were, e.g. Increase (500 to 550 GBP - 1 price break)
d. Item Type
e. The Price and if there are price breaks.
7. Each item also includes an area that shows if there was a Change, what the change was and which Rule Level in the approval scheme the change has triggered.
8. You can Exclude items from the Marketplace. To exclude an item
a. Click the Exclude toggle button on all the items you wish to exclude.
b. If the agreement already been approved click Done and then Publish on the next page. Your changes will not take effect in the Marketplace until you click Publish.
c. If the price list is awaiting approval click Approve to publish the items, minus your exclusions, to the Marketplace.
i. Note that if you click Reject or move away from this page without clicking Approve your exclude selections will be lost.
d. Excluding bundles: Bundles of items consist of a master item and its components. Components cannot be excluded, so if you wish a component item to be removed from the bundle or from the price list, then you must ask your supplier.
9. The buttons found at the top of this page are:
a. Approve – click to approve the price list, with or without excluded items.
b. Reject – clicking this rejects the whole price list and informs the supplier.
c. Download – you can download the price list.
d. Done – if you are not approving or rejecting the price list, click this when you are finished.