Export existing price list to Super Content Loader format

How do I export an existing Price List from Basware into a Super Content Loader (SCL) format?

Product Manager functionality now allows users to export existing price lists from the system into a Microsoft Excel Super Content Loader format. This will reduce much of the manual work involved with converting your Content Loader v5.9 into a SCL file.

Firstly you will need to log into your Basware account.

Once you are logged in, click on the Product Manager icon along the top of your Dashboard page. If you do not see the Product Manager icon you will need to raise a support case with the Basware Marketplace team. Contact details for this team can be found at the bottom of this document.

In Product Manager you will see an option for Price Lists. Click into this and then search for the Price List you wish to export. Example shown below:












Once you have located your Price List in the Price List directory as shown above. Click on either the name of the Price List or the settings/cog icon. The next page will be your Manage Price list page. Here you will have export option to export your Price List to an SCL. Shown below:











Upon clicking on that export icon you will see a small popup window. Leave the "Include supplemental pages?" toggle on and then click on Export. Depending on the size of the Price List this may take some time. Once complete you will see the popup window as shown below:







As soon as you click on the download link, the file will start to save to your computer. You have now exported your existing Price List from Product Manager to a Super Content Loader file. You will now be able to go into this file, make any necessary changes/updates and then reimport back into the system.

To upload your new SCL you can follow the below steps.

Once logged into your account click on Product Manager. On this page you will see an option along the header called Loader. Click into this. On this page you will want to click on the option that says: “Upload Files”.


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This page will now give you varying options of how you want to upload your SCL. The first option is Mapping. For the method we are using in this guide you will want to select "Super Content Loader Excel". Once you have selected this the below options will be visible on your page:

Source File: Choose the SCL saved on your computer.
Enter an Action: Create new items (this will create a new Price List under the name you listed in cell C2), Merge with existing items (this will add items to any price list that has the same name as what you listed in C2), Replace existing items (this will replace any content on a price list that has the same name as what you listed in cell C2).
Output Type: Products and Price List (the most common upload, this will add your items to the Item Directory and create a Price List with your items and prices linked). Import items only (rarely used, this will add your items to the item directory but will not create a Price List).
Language: Choose the language of your upload.
Classification: Select the version of the UNSPSC you opted for in your SCL. Most commonly 19 or 8.
Currency: Select the currency you wish to upload this SCL in.


Once you have done all this you should have a screen that looks similar to the below and you can now go ahead and click on Upload.

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Once you have clicked on Upload, the system will take you to your Uploads page. The upload you just started will go to the top of the page and once completed it will either go RED to say there is an issue with the content or GREEN to say it has completed successfully. On either colour you will need to click on View.

If RED: the system will show you your data and will highlight any problems in red. You must now go back into your SCL and correct those issues. Once corrected, open the page you were just on and click on "Cancel". You will then need to complete the upload process again until it goes Green. Then follow the below.

If GREEN: the system will show you your data and there will be a blue option that says Commit. Once you click on Commit, your upload will be processed through the system and you will have your upload converted into a Price List.

For more assistance, log a case from the Basware support portal.