Travel & Expense Management 24.2 New Features


1 Introduction

This document contains descriptions of new features in Basware Travel & Expense 24.2 and its maintenance releases.

2 New Feature Descriptions

2.1 Common logic

2.1.1 Norway per diem allowances calculated by using currency of the target country

Module(s): Common logic
Feature ID: TEM-4193
Release: TEM 24.2
Feature Implementation: N/A

It is possible to define foreign daily allowances (taxable and tax-free) in the currency of the destination country. If the per diem currency has been defined, the NOK per diem amount for the day is calculated at the exchange rate on the day of travel.

2.2 Web client

2.2.1 Basic data browsing enhancement

Module(s): Web client
Feature ID: TEM-4181
Release: TEM 24.2
Feature Implementation: N/A

When the user is browsing data on the Basic data page, the selected data (for example, employee or expense) is forwarded to the next page where the user navigates. When the user returns back to the previous page, the originally selected data is shown.

2.2.2 Basic data layout can be customized

Module(s): Web client
Feature ID: TEM-4146
Release: TEM 24.2
Feature Implementation: N/A

Users can customize the layout of the basic data list view and edit view

In order to create a global default configuration for all users, contact Basware consultant.



2.2.3 Basic data list can be scrolled

Module(s): Web client
Feature ID: TEM-4183
Release: TEM 24.2
Feature Implementation: N/A

The  users can scroll the search result lists on the Basic data pages horizontally and vertically. Each result page shows 100 records. When editing individual basic data, the user can scroll the view vertically.

2.2.4 Basic data list filtering by field

Module(s): Web client
Feature ID: TEM-4167
Release: TEM 24.2
Feature Implementation: N/A

The users can select any individual field combination for filtering the basic data search results. The fields selected for filtering are persistent and user-specific.

In order to create global default filters for all users, contact Basware consultant.


2.2.5 Basic data lists can be sorted

Module(s): Web client
Feature ID: TEM-4165
Release: TEM 24.2
Feature Implementation: N/A

The users can now sort the basic data search results. Sorting is available for every field on the list.


2.2.6 Basic data maintenance screens have separate list and edit screens

Module(s): Web client
Feature ID: TEM-4142
Release: TEM 24.2
Feature Implementation: N/A

Basic data maintenance pages have now separate list view and edit view. Previously, the list and edit views were combined. The users can now customize the data shown in the list by adding new fields to the list and sorting the order of the fields.

2.2.7 Document transfer information added

Module(s): Web client
Feature ID: TEM-4197
Release: TEM 24.2
Feature Implementation: N/A

It is now possible to see the document transfer information when opening a document in the Web client. The users who can access other user’s documents based on their role, can also clear the transfer batch number, and resend the document to an external system.

The Finnish customers using the Finnish Incomes Register reporting can mark documents to be invalidated from the incomes register, or to be reported again to the incomes register.


2.3 Edge

2.3.1 Backups across aggregated tenants

Module(s): Edge
Feature ID: TEM-4138
Release: TEM 24.2
Feature Implementation: N/A

When an approver or a reviewer changes the backup persons, and the aggregated task list is in use, the backup persons are saved to all tenants. Previously the backup persons were saved only to the login tenant.

In order for the backup persons to be saved to all tenants, the tenants must have the same employee data. The list of the available backup persons is loaded from the login tenant. If the selected employee does not exist on a sub tenant, no error is shown, and the backup person setting is ignored for that tenant.