With the Basware Message Printer, you can create your invoices by printing them from your ERP.
If for your setup you wish to install multiple virtual printers, please follow the steps below.
- To create a new virtual printer in your system, you can use a program installed on your computer (AddPrinter.exe) where you already have Basware Message;
- You can find this program in your Program Files folder (C:\Program Files\Basware\Basware Message);
Now you can add the new printer and configure it:
- Port name: you can choose what name to give to the port;
- Gateway number: 4900 for the German Gateway or 0001 for Global Gateway;
- Output folder: enter your new upload folder here. This folder must also be registered in your Basware Message Software (Configuration, Local Configuration, Local Path);
However, it may be (depending on the operating system and settings) that this tool can not be executed. In this case you would have to manually add another printer.
- Open Devices and Printers in your System Control Panel and click on Add a Printer;
- Here you can select Add a local printer;
- Click on Create new port and select port type Basware Message Port Monitor;
- A new printer port will now be created;
- Port name: you can choose what name to give to the port;
- Gateway number: 4900 for the German Gateway or 0001 for Global Gateway;
- Output folder: enter your new upload folder here. This folder must also be registered in your Basware Message Software (Configuration, Local Configuration, Local Path);