P2P Purchase - Finalizing the ISE configuration - Customer actions


This article describes the mandatory actions for migrating customers after Integrated Shopping Experience (ISE) is enabled. "Migrating customers" means customers who have free-text forms, external webshops and possibly Guided Purchasing items created before the ISE functionality is enabled. If you are a migrating customer, read on to find out what actions you must take to set up your shopping experience.

After the ISE functionality has been enabled, you will receive an email from Basware informing you of the enablement.

After ISE is enabled, you must complete these actions. Click each action to see the detailed instructions.  

Also, find more information about ISE and Marketplace: 

Republish free text forms to Marketplace

Free-text forms need to be published to Marketplace. This can be done either all at once or one-by-one. 

To republish all at once:

  1. Go to Basware P2P > > Data Management > Free-text forms.
  2. Click > Export all to Marketplace.

To republish free-text forms one-by-one: 

  1. Go to Basware P2P > > Data Management > Free-text forms.
  2. Select a free-text form and click Open
  3. Unpublish and re-publish the free-text form. 
  4. Repeat for each free-text form that you want to be available.

Recreate external webshops in Marketplace

External webshops published directly in Basware P2P will not work after ISE has been enabled. They will need to be created in Marketplace by Basware Customer Support. To get external webshops created: 

  1. Request a New Punchout Request form from any Basware Customer Support representative. 
  2. Fill out the form separately for each supplier
  3. Send the completed forms back to Basware.

Basware Customer Support will set up the external webshops for you.

Edit guided purchasing shortcuts for the homepage

Existing guided purchasing shortcuts need to be edited and defined as Marketplace search keywords, other types of shortcuts are not available in ISE.​

  1. Go to Basware P2P > Guided purchasing section > Edit.
  2. Click Unpublish to make the shortcuts editable.
  3. For each shortcut:
    1. Click the shortcut to open its details. 
    2. If needed, change the target type to Marketplace keywords.
    3. Enter the keywords to use for the Marketplace search. These can be typical search keywords, a free-text form name, or an external webshop name. 
  4. After you have updated all shortcuts, click Save
  5. Click Publish

Ensure that all suppliers have a DUNS identifier

When ISE is enabled, the Supplier DUNS identifier becomes mandatory data for all suppliers that are used in P2P Purchase.

  1. Go to Basware P2P > > Basware P2P Administration
  2. Click Suppliers
  3. Select the administrative site that you want to work in. 
  4. For each supplier: 
    1. Go to the Identifiers tab (shown below). 
    2. Check that they have a DUNS identifier. If not, click the Add New icon
    3. Select Type > DUNS.
    4. Enter the supplier's DUNS identifier. 
    5. Click the Update icon

Assign external webshops to Marketplace views

Without ISE, it was only possible to use user roles to determine who could or could not use all external webshops. With ISE enabled, it is now possible to control which external webshops different groups of users can see. This control is done in Marketplace using views.

After Basware Support has recreated your external webshops, you must assign them to views to control which users can use the webshops. The name of each view must match either a Basware P2P user group external code or organization code. That way, users in the user group or organization will be automatically added to the views after they are created. 

To create a view for an external webshop:

  1. Go to Marketplace > Product Manager > Views
  2. Click Create.
  3. Name the view with the user group external code OR the organization code for the users that you want to have access to the specified external webshop. 
  4. Select Type as Agreement and Access as Universal.
  5. (Optional) Enter a description for the view. 
  6. Click Save.
  7. In the Agreement section, click
  8. For each external webshop that you want to use in the view, find the matching punchout agreement and click .
  9. When you have added all external webshops that you want to use, click Done.
  10. Click Publish

The view is created. Users in the specified user group or organization will be automatically added to the view when they log in for the first time. The users will be able to access all agreements that you have added to the view. 

Assign free-text forms to Marketplace views

After free-text forms are published in P2P, they are added automatically into a view in Marketplace, accessible to anyone with "Use free-text forms" user rights.​ 

Example of an automatically created view

However, if you want a certain free-text form to be accessible to a certain group of people only, remove it from the View published to whole organization and add it to the required view.

To remove a free-text form from the existing view:​

  1. Go to Marketplace > Product Manager > Views.
  2. Search for the automatically-created view and click .
  3. In the Agreement section, click
  4. Next to the free-text forms that you want to remove from universal access, click .
  5. Click Done.
  6. Click Publish to save the changes to the view.

To add the free-text form to a new view:

  1. Go to Marketplace > Product Manager > Views
  2. Create a new view. Name the view with the user group external code OR the organization code for the users that you want to have access to the specified external webshop. 
  3. Select Type: Agreement and Access: Universal.
  4. (Optional) Enter a description for the view. 
  5. Click Save.
  6. In the Agreement section, click
  7. For each free-text form that you want to use in the view, find the matching free-text agreement and click .
  8. When you have added all free-text agreements that you want to use, click Done.
  9. Click Publish

Basware Customer Support is more than happy to assist customers with questions related with Views.

P2P user rights in ISE

In combination with view, user rights determine the contents users will see in Marketplace. For example, if a user is added to a view that has free-text forms, but that user does not have the user right "Use free-text forms", they will not be able to see the free-text forms in that view.
Simplified Basware Purchase and Restricted Basware Purchase user rights are also supported.

More resources:

You can always find the latest information online in Marketplace > Dashboard > Resources/Knowledge Base.

Add or Remove an Agreement from a View in Product Manager

How to create a View in Product Manager