Purchase Requisition (PR) enrichment allows creating logic for saving values based on predefined business logic.
P2P also writes entries in the PR History that shows which values has been modified/enriched and comment text can be added from business logic.
In P2P Purchase there are two types of enrichments:
Both types of enrichments can be enabled at the same time or only one of them. By default, enrichments are not in use.
Enabling the requisition enrichment requires consultant work. Please consult with your Basware contact for cost and effort estimation.
PR Creation Enrichment
PR Creation enrichment is used when user is creating the PR draft from P2P Shopping Basket by selecting (Edit requisition) or sending the PR to approval process (Get Approval).
PR Creation enrichment is enabled in the PURCHASE_CONFIG (P2P Configuration Tool) and can also be inherited from a parent organization level to lower levels.
Example: A user is purchasing a mobile phone. The purchasing category defaults a Tax Code "T1" and GL Account "1234", but those values are incorrect for this specific case.
When a user opens the PR draft for editing, all the necessary fields in Line data and Coding data have already been filled in with default values based on the predefined logic. However, enrichment replaced the incorrect Tax Code T1 with the correct value T2 and also selected the correct GL Account 2345.
All enriched values can be seen from the PR History.
Please note that if PR Creation Enrichment is enabled, Order Now / Get Approval dialogue will NOT display approval selection list at all!
PR Process enrichment
PR Process enrichment is used during the requisition approval process between the activities. You can have up to 10 different enrichment entrypoints during the approval workflow process and each one might be enriching different things.
PR Process enrichment is enabled in the Purchase approval workflow process.
If enrichment fails, it is possible to define whether the business logic should allow the requisition to proceed to next process activity or return to previous activity to make changes.
Example: A user is purchasing a laptop. The purchasing category defaults a Tax Code "T1" and GL Account "1234", but those value are incorrect in this specific case.
The purchase approval workflow process consists of 2 activities: Review and Approve. There is an enrichment activity before the Review activity called CustomerPurchaseGenericTask1 and after the Review activity called CustomerPurchaseGenericTask2.
The user sends the requisition from Draft to Review. Enrichment corrects the Tax Code to T2 and the GL Account to 2345.
The reviewer changes the GL Account by mistake to 3456 and sends the requisition to approval activity.
When the approver opens the requisition the GL Account has been changed back to 2345.
Additionally enrichment updated the Goods Receiver in the Purchase orders tab (Note! Not possible to add multiple goods receivers).
All enriched values can be seen from the PR History.
List of supported fields
For a complete list of supported fields that are available for enrichment, please see the attached Excel file.
Instructions to request PR Enrichment
More details can be found from attached document