- Log into your account and click on the Supplier Portal icon as shown below:
- View your Documents by clicking on the documents tab in the top right corner of the page:

To view your Invoices, click on the top left drop down box, select Invoices, in the second select All and in the third select Unlimited.

On the left side, the page will now display any invoices you have ever created.

- Select an Invoice from which to raise a Credit Note by placing your cursor over the order and clicking your mouse. The order should now be highlighted in yellow.

On the right-hand side of the page an overview of the Invoice will be displayed along with an option to create a Credit Note.

- To create a Credit Note from the selected Invoice click the green arrow button next to Create Credit Note in the top right of the screen.
. At the bottom of the new page an overview of the Invoice line items will be displayed. This will show what has been invoiced.

- To add / edit Credit Note details, you must first save it by clicking
situated on the right-hand side of the page. This will then automatically generate a Credit Note number.
- To edit any of the non line item Credit Note details click on the relevant pencil mark icon
and make amendments. Once completed click on save change or
to cancel changes and return.

- To add all Invoice lines to the Credit Note click on

To add only certain Invoice lines, expand the Invoice lines to show all. Ensure the qty shown is as required for the relevant line items or amend.
. Then click on
to add the Credit Note. The Credit Note line item will then be displayed above the invoice line items

- To add additional non Invoice line items such as shipping, select one of the three options above Credit Notes and click the add icon.

Add the details to the additional line as required and then click save or undo to cancel the changes and return. Credit Note Line items can be amended by clicking on the relevant edit icon or the delete icon
. Once amended click on save or undo to cancel the changes and return.
- To view a printable version of the Credit Note click on
at the top right hand side of the page.
- To delete the Credit Note completely click on the delete icon at the top right hand side of the page.
- To send the Credit Note to the customer click on
at the top right hand side of the page.
- To return to your documents within the Supplier Portal click on
at the top right hand side of the page.