Travel & Expense Management 20.10 New Features


1 Introduction

This document contains descriptions of new features in Basware Travel & Expense 20.10 and its maintenance releases.

2 New Feature Descriptions

2.1 Common logic

2.1.1 Accruals report enhancements

Module(s): Common logic
Feature ID: TEM-2168
Release: TEM 20.10
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

Audience: Report users

Three new fields can now be added to accruals reports:

A currency filter has also been added to the report selections.


2.1.2 Customer-editable application settings

Module(s): Common logic
Feature ID: TEM-2177
Release: TEM 20.10
Feature Implementation: Basware consultant work is needed before customer can take into use

Audience: Administrators

In Basic data administration, 11 application settings are now available to configure. New settings will be added in future releases.

With these application settings, Administrators can manage functionalities at the highest level of TEM. Functionalities can be enabled or disabled from here. The changes will affect all units and users in the application.


Self-service instruction

Audience: Administrators

Go to Application settings under Basic data.




2.1.3 Disable vehicle types

Module(s): Common logic
Feature ID: TEM-2055
Release: TEM 20.10
Feature Implementation: Customer can take into use

Audience: Administrators

Unnecessary vehicle types can be excluded and not shown to users as available anymore.

Self-service instruction

Audience: Administrators

From Basic data, in the Vehicles section, the option Not in use has been added. When selected, the vehicle is removed from the vehicle selection list presented to users who are entering their mileage on their travel documents.


2.2 Mobile client

2.2.1 Character counter in the description field

Module(s): Mobile client
Feature ID: TEM-1965
Release: TEM 20.10
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

Audience: End users

A character counter has been added to the lower left corner of every description text box in the Edge user interface. It shows how many more characters the user can still type in the description field.

2.2.2 Hide expense ID in expense type selection list

Module(s): Mobile client
Feature ID: TEM-1328
Release: TEM 20.10
Feature Implementation: Customer can take into use

Audience: End users, Administrators

Users typically select their expense types by the names, not by the codes. To better serve these users, expense selection lists can be presented also without expense type codes.

Here is an example of the expense type list with the expense type codes:

Here is the same list with the expense type codes hidden:

Administrators can hide the expense type codes from Basic data > Application settings by setting MOBILE.SHOW_EXPENSE_ID to FALSE.

Self-service instructions

Audience: Administrators

Administrators can remove the expense type codes from the expense type selection lists.

Go to Basic data > Application Settings.

  1. If you
    1. can find the 'MOBILE.SHOW-EXPENSE-ID' item listed under Setting ID, first click it active and then click Edit.
    2. cannot find the 'MOBILE.SHOW-EXPENSE-ID' item listed under Setting ID, click New and then select 'MOBILE.SHOW-EXPENSE-ID' from the selection list in the Setting ID field.

2. Enter into 'Value' field

a. 'FALSE' - only expense type names in selection lists
b. 'TRUE' - also expense type codes in selection lists

3. Administrators can also add their own comment for their convenience.

2.2.3 Select method of payment when entering expenses

Module(s): Mobile client
Feature ID: TEM-2003
Release: TEM 20.10
Feature Implementation: Customer can take into use

Audience: End users

When business travelers are paying for expenses, they can use many different payment methods. For example: credit card, cash, or travel account. 

Sometimes the user must state their payment method when entering their expense in TEM. This has been possible in WebClient, and now the option is also available in the Edge user interface. Users can select the correct payment method from a selection list of all the defined payment methods.

Administrators must first enable this feature for their users from Basic data > Application settings, by setting MOBILE.METHOD_OF_PAYMENT to TRUE.

Self-service instruction

Audience: Administrators

Administrators can take this functionality in use by enabling it in the Application settings under Basic data.

Go to Application settings under Basic data.


2.2.4 Travel secretary can manage others’ favorites lists

Module(s): Mobile client
Feature ID: TEM-2067
Release: TEM 20.10
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

Audience: Travel secretaries

Travel secretaries create and edit documents on behalf of employees. Each employee has favorite lists and it is useful if Travel Secretaries can make changes to those lists. For example, the travel secretary may want to remove list items that are no longer valid as favorites for the user.

When working on behalf of an employee, travel secretaries can now view and manage the employee’s favorite lists under User Settings.



2.2.5 Updating dimension joints on free-text dimensions

Module(s): Mobile client
Feature ID: TEM-2104
Release: TEM 20.10
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

Audience: Administrators

Dimension values can depend on another dimension group (joint dimension values) and the dimension values can be filled based on the dependency.

Earlier, joint dimension values were only possible if the joint source dimension group used a selection list. Now joint dimension values can also be used when the source dimension group uses a free text field.

2.3 Web client

2.3.1 Basic data management in WebClient

Module(s): Web client
Feature ID: TEM-1892
Release: TEM 20.10
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

Audience: Administrators

Earlier, Administrators could manage TEM Basic data only in WinClient. Now, this Basic data management is available also in WebClient, with nearly all basic data accessible and manageable in the WebClient interface.

In the screenshot below, the basic data in blue text is currently accessible in WebClient. The basic data in black is still only accessible in WinClient. In future releases, more functionality and data will be made accessible also in WebClient.

When managing basic data, the existing data is listed on the left-hand side and a detailed view is presented on the right, as shown in the sample screenshot below. By clicking an employee row in the list on the right the employee’s data can be opened up in the detailed view and it can be edited or deleted. 

The detailed view includes also links to other basic data. By clicking any blue link in the detailed view to the right, the respective data is opened up and can be viewed, edited, added to, or deleted. When the page is closed again, the user returns to the detailed view from which they clicked the link. 

Related database tables and child tables are also listed as links at the bottom of the page. Users can click them to view any of the data.

Basic data can be filtered to show only specific entries, as shown below. 

2.3.2 New look and feel - updated WebClient user interface

Module(s): Web client
Feature ID: TEM-2036
Release: TEM 20.10
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

Audience: All WebClient users

The WebClient user interface has been enhanced to follow the Basware look and feel. All of the familiar features and functions still exist, and nothing has been removed. The new interface also includes Basic data administration for Administrators.

Examples of the improved user interface:



2.4 Windows client

2.4.1 Transaction currency included in dimension expense report

Module(s): Windows client
Feature ID: TEM-2002
Release: TEM 20.10
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

Audience: Report users

Currency information has been added to the Dimension Costs Report.

2.5 Mobile client, Web client

2.5.1 Automatically select meal deduction when selecting meal benefit

Module(s): Mobile client, Web client
Feature ID: TEM-2099
Release: TEM 20.10
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

Audience: Administrators, End users

When a meal benefit is selected on a travel day, the corresponding meal deduction is now selected automatically. Users do not have to select it manually. Also, when a meal benefit is removed from a travel day, the corresponding meal deduction is also removed.



2.5.2 Configure and show system contact information

Module(s): Mobile client, Web client
Feature ID: TEM-1939
Release: TEM 20.10
Feature Implementation: Customer can take into use

Audience: All users

In the Edge user interface, users need to know who to contact if they run into problems with the application.

A contact information link can be added to the home page. This link text and URL are visible for users and customizable by administrators.

Administrators can customize the link text in Basic Data > Application settings by setting the CONTACT_INFO value to the help URL. To change the link’s display text, enter the text to display, followed by a pipe character ( | ), followed by the URL.

Self-service instruction

Audience: Administrators

A contact information link can be added visible both in Edge and in WebClient. This is defined in Application settings under Basic data.

Go to Application settings under Basic data.




Enter the help link address in the Value field.
The link text on the screen can be customized by adding the wanted screen text in front of the link address and dividing it from the link by a pipe character “|”.

2.6 Web client, Windows client

2.6.1 Report for expenses without receipts

Module(s): Web client, Windows client
Feature ID: TEM-2021
Release: TEM 20.10
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

Audience: Reviewers

Typically, all expenses on expense and travel claims must have a receipt. If a receipt image is missing on a document, it should be noticed and checked. 

For this purpose, a new report has been added to WebClient that lists all expenses that are missing receipts, making it easier for reviewers to see which expenses need attention. 


The user selects the parameters for the report, then they can choose to open the report in TEM Webclient or in Excel as a spreadsheet.

A sample report is shown here: