1. Return to the Group Directory by clicking the ‘Back to…’ link.
2. The group name is shown in large blue text, followed by these fields:
a. My Description
b. Members Description
c. Type
3. Members shows the number of organisations in the group, and how many are in each state: Invited, Rejected and Accepted. Click the button to manage the group members (See Select Group Members below).
4. Resources shows the number of Agreements attached to the group. Click the button to manage the Agreements (See Select Group Resources below).
5. Click the Publish button to put changes to your group into effect.
6. If you have made changes that need to be published, then the page provides a message at the top of the page
1. Return to the Manage Group page by clicking the ‘Back to…’ link.
2. You can find organisations within your community by conducting a Search by name.
3. Search results are sortable by organisation name only.
4. You can view between 25 and 100 items per page.
5. You can apply the following filters to the organisations:
a. Invited – those organisations you invited to your group.
i. Once this filter is clicked the page will also provide filters for Accepted and Rejected.
b. Available – those organisations you have not invited, but which are available for invitation.
6. Each organisation in the search results is shown by its name in large blue text, and the following fields:
a. Location – the town or city the organisation is located in.
b. Community – the community the organisation belongs to.
c. Status – whether the organisation is Available, Invited, Accepted or Rejected.
d. Last modified – the last modified date for the organisation.
7. Organisations with a or a
button next to them can be added or removed to or from the group. Organisations that have accepted your invitation to a group have neither button and so cannot be removed.
1. Return to the Manage Group page by clicking the ‘Back to…’ link.
2. You can find Agreements by conducting a Search by agreement name or description.
3. Search results are sortable by:
a. Name
b. Start Date
c. Expiry Date
d. Last Updated
4. You can view between 25 and 100 items per page.
5. You can apply the following filters to the organisations:
a. Added – Agreements on the group
b. Available – Agreements not on the group, but available to be added.
6. For each agreement the search results show the agreement name in large blue text, then:
a. Reference – the contract reference for the agreement
c. Description – the agreement owner’s description for the agreement
d. Status – whether the agreement is Available or Added
e. Expiry Date – when the agreement expires
f. Start Date – when the agreement started
7. Add or remove Agreements from your group by using the or
8. Once you have finished on this page click the Done button.
Using Shared Content in Groups
Once you have joined a group further steps are necessary to make the content provided in the group available to your end users. At its most basic the process would be to add a shared agreement to an existing view. If you do not want all the items on a shared agreement however, items can be excluded by navigating to the agreement, viewing the price list, and using the Exclude button to hide items from your users. See the separate Buyer guide - Agreements for details. Once you have joined a group there is currently no way for you to leave it. By removing the shared Agreements from your views, however, you can remove shared content from your end users’ Marketplace.