Not able to save file on the local computer using Basware Application


Users want to export and save data from "Basware Monitor" as .xls. No matter where they save the files, they can't find them using windows Explorer. The issue is that it connects to the Citrix/Terminal server instead of the local computer when trying to save a file from Basware Application. So Basware is having issues with saving it to the computer.



This is not related to Citrix. When user starts a application session from Citrix, they get connected to one of the terminal servers. If the user manages to open an Explorer window, it is then on the terminal server user is connected to. If there is no OneDrive or U: Drive in place, user will only have the option to save locally on the terminal server and this is the problem. The terminal server does not have a OneDrive solution in-place, so citrix can only point to using U: drive. So if the server team implement the OneDrive on the terminal servers, this issue can be solved.