What is the issue?
During the processing of your document, we were unable to find an actively subscribed recipient (= no recipient was found, or no valid optin) in our Basware myBasware/Bizmail community for your document setup.
An example of an automatically generated email notification:
From: noreply@basware.com [mailto:noreply@basware.com]
Sent: monday 16 june 2018 9:01
Subject: XXX(technical name) - List of messages without valid optins
Dear customer,
Please find in attachment a list of messages that BaswareONE was not able to deliver to your business partners.
BaswareONE could not find a corresponding non-duplicate active optin.
In case the user has been unsubscribed from receiving messages electronically, please resend the paper version by postal mail.
In case the user is unknown to Basware, please send a burstfile with all data of this user to Provisioning.oneway@basware.com.
All information about unsubscribed users, can be found in the optin pending files.
The information of all active users, can be found in the active optin files.
Kind regards - BaswareONE
Receiver field must contain a portal receiver with valid optin. Correct the receiver or perform the optin/subscription first.