NETWORK - S&C - Sender's and receiver's email address is shown on the data file

Scan & Capture quality improvement:

As the scanning service is wholly migrated, the new improvements are now possible for a broader customer base.

On 26.11.2020, a change was moved to the production environment where the sender's and receiver's email addresses are shown if the business document is coming via Scan & Capture's BSCS (email scanning service) or SmartPDF's OCR validation service side. Additionally, the original filename is shown on the business document's data file. This change is only done to the Basware Portal to BT business document traffic.

For the business document receiver, the information is shown below.

A few ideas for utilizing this data value:

Taking the field in use at your company:

Please contact Change Request Manager if Basware's delivered business document data file does not contain these values, or the value is not shown on your Alusta P2P or InvoiceReady. The information likely drops off in post-processing or customer-specific conversion. If this happens, then fine-tuning the modifications needs to be ordered.

Please discuss with your IT or any other partner handling the XML-file utilization technical side to have the information available in your invoice processing system or ERP.


<TITLE INFO_TYPE="ScanCaptureSentFrom">SendingEmail</TITLE>
<TITLE INFO_TYPE="ScanCaptureSentTo">ReceivingEmail</TITLE>


<DefinitionHeaderText DefinitionCode="ScanCaptureSentFrom">SendingEmail</DefinitionHeaderText>
<DefinitionHeaderText DefinitionCode="ScanCaptureSentTo">ReceivingEmail</DefinitionHeaderText>