Basware Purchase-to-Pay 23.3 New Features


1 Introduction

This document contains descriptions of new features in Basware Purchase-to-Pay 23.3 and its maintenance releases.

2 Procurement

2.1 Accessibility improvements for personal users

Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-104179
Release: P2P 23.3
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

We have made accessibility improvements in Basware P2P’s Goods receipt detailed view and Goods receipt task detailed page:

2.2 Import supplier’s lead time to purchase requisition line

Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-97918
Release: P2P 23.3
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

Now, the importing and exporting of a purchase requisition or purchase order contains the lead time value in the line. The line’s lead time value is available for the requisition enrichment logic, and the lead time itself can be updated by enrichment.

3 AP Automation

3.1 Historical invoice search info

Module(s): Invoice Automation
Feature ID: ALUSTA-101505
Release: P2P 23.3
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

Searching for historical invoices on the Documents page has been made easier by informing the user which criteria are available for the search. 

From the dialog, the user can now open a list of all available criteria. This makes it easier to select the correct criteria for a successful search result.

3.2 Personal Invoice search - Pro view

Module(s): Invoice Automation
Feature ID: ALUSTA-44861
Release: P2P 23.3
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

We have improved the user experience for personal users who search for invoices on a daily basis. These power users now have a desktop-optimized view of the invoice list where they can see more information about their documents, for example, invoice number and document type. We introduce three new layout options for the invoice list that look very similar to our AP Pro layout. Users can choose the layout by clicking the icons:

Users can select multiple invoices and view the total sum grouped by different currencies. 

Users can perform all the actions that are available in the invoice details view from the list view, and save time that was earlier spent on opening the invoices to edit them. Invoices can be reviewed and approved more efficiently because of the easily accessible information.

New functionalities available for the users:

This feature can be activated for all users with the existing tenant setting “ProfessionalInvoiceDetailViewForPersonalUsers”. Users can activate this feature themselves in the User settings by selecting Professional view under Invoice and spend plan views in desktop mode

3.3 SmartCoding proposal time and refresh

Module(s): Invoice Automation
Feature ID: ALUSTA-101478
Release: P2P 23.3
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

The user can see when the SmartCoding proposals have been generated, and they can refresh the proposals.

3.4 Cancel process action on spend plans

Module(s): Spend Plans
Feature ID: ALUSTA-81027
Release: P2P 23.3
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

A new Cancel process action is now available for spend plans. With this action it is possible to return spend plans to Received - Returned status. The Cancel process action can be useful, for example, if a spend plan has been reviewed or approved by a wrong user, or if it contains incorrect data that needs to be fixed first and then the spend plan must be sent back to review and approval.

The Cancel process action is available in the more actions menu for professional users in AP Pro. The “Manage spend plans” user right is needed to use this action.

The spend plans that are in the new “Returned” status can be easily found by using the Returned link in the status graphs. The returned status is also available as a search criterion in the Advanced search > Status.

4 Analytics

4.1 Add Association rate KPI to the process overview dashboard

Module(s): Analytics
Feature ID: ALUSTA-94957
Release: P2P 23.3
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

In Insights, the association rate KPI on the Touchless Invoice Processing Dashboard has been enhanced.

With the new definition, this KPI indicates the percentage of invoices that are associated with POs and spend plans out of your total invoices, An invoice is associated if at least one coding row is created in matching. When invoices are associated with POs and spend plans, your organization’s spend is under control and invoices can be matched and coded automatically.

This change helps the customers to get a metric that aligns with their internal strategic focus areas that will drive touchless invoice processing. Having a high association rate increases the potential to automate the invoice process and consequently touchless invoice processing.

With this change, the order of the KPIs in the overview dashboard has been modified as follows:  E-invoice rate, Association rate, Touchless rate, Process efficiency, and On-time payment.