Basware Purchase-to-Pay 20.1 New Features


1 Introduction

This document contains descriptions of new features in Basware Purchase-to-Pay 20.1 and its maintenance releases.

2 Procurement

2.1 Configurable Purchase Professional Tools list views

Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-63442
Release: P2P 20.1
Feature Implementation: Enabled by default for all tenants

In Purchase Professional Tools, it is now possible to configure which columns are shown in the list view for each document type: purchase requisitions, purchase orders, contracts, and migrated orders. Custom fields are not supported for list view configurations. 

2.2 Set user of Restricted or Simplified Basware Purchase rights as goods receiver to contact

Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-63223
Release: P2P 20.1
Feature Implementation: Enabled by default for all tenants

Previously, a user selected as the “Goods receiver to contact” needed to have the Use Basware Purchase user right. Now, the user selected as the “Goods receiver to contact” can have any one of the following user rights: Use Basware Purchase, Use Simplified Basware Purchase or Use Restricted Basware Purchase. With this extension, users that have Use Simplified Basware Purchase or Use Restricted Basware Purchase can become the contact person for an order. 

3 AP Automation

3.1 AP Pro release

Module(s): Invoice Automation
Feature ID: ALUSTA-66075
Release: P2P 20.1
Feature Implementation: N/A

AP Pro, the new HTML5-based user interface for AP professionals, can now be taken into use in Edge. To take AP Pro into use, you need to contact Basware.

AP Pro will gradually replace Workplace, but at the moment, they can both be used at the same time. Additional configuration is not required.

In 20.1 AP Pro can be used for invoice processing, manual order matching, and data management.

3.2 Confirmation before user edits invoice that is open in another tab or session

Module(s): Invoice Automation
Feature ID: ALUSTA-62640
Release: P2P 20.1
Feature Implementation: Enabled by default for all tenants

In AP Pro, if the user tries to edit an invoice that is already open and changed in another tab, browser, or device, a confirmation dialog opens. The user can click Cancel to keep the changes they made in the other session, or Edit invoice if they want to instead edit the invoice in the open session. If the user clicks Edit invoice, the changes made in another tab or session will be discarded. This enhancement helps prevent users from accidentally overwriting their unsaved changes to invoices. 

3.3 Custom field names retained for coding rows when exported to Excel

Module(s): Invoice Automation
Feature ID: ALUSTA-55987
Release: P2P 20.1
Feature Implementation: Enabled by default for all tenants

Previously when exporting coding rows to an Excel file, custom field names were exported in a technical format instead of the field names used in the Edge interface. Now, the exported custom fields reflect the names used in the coding panel in the interface.

3.4 Add user groups as task recipients in AP Pro

Module(s): Invoice Automation
Feature ID: ALUSTA-61848
Release: P2P 20.1
Feature Implementation: Enabled by default for all tenants

Previously in AP Pro, it was only possible to add user groups as the recipient for invoice tasks by editing the tasks in Task Management. Now, it is possible to add user groups as recipients using the Send to Process and Forward actions for invoices.

3.5 Refresh for invoices in automatic process state

Module(s): Invoice Automation
Feature ID: ALUSTA-62406
Release: P2P 20.1
Feature Implementation: Enabled by default for all tenants

In AP Pro, invoices are occasionally in an automatic process state, and are read-only for a short time. If a user tries to edit an invoice while it is in this state, a message is displayed and the user can refresh the page. If the process is completed after the user refreshes, the user can then work on the invoices as normal. 


3.6 See recently used values for AP Pro header data and coding lookup lists

Module(s): Invoice Automation
Feature ID: ALUSTA-64611
Release: P2P 20.1
Feature Implementation: Enabled by default for all tenants

The Recently used feature is available in lookup lists for invoice header data and coding in AP Pro. This makes it easier to find and reuse data from the list. A maximum of 10 recently used values is shown in each lookup list.

3.7 System retains filters, sorting, grouping, and pivoting when user navigates from invoice details to list view

Module(s): Invoice Automation
Feature ID: ALUSTA-61429
Release: P2P 20.1
Feature Implementation: Enabled by default for all tenants

When a user navigates between the invoice details view and the invoice list in AP Pro, sorting, filtering, and grouping of the invoice list are retained. Previously, the user had to redo sorting, filtering, and grouping when they returned to the invoice list.

3.8 Comment on many invoices as a batch action

Module(s): Invoice Automation
Feature ID: ALUSTA-44447
Release: P2P 20.1
Feature Implementation: Enabled by default for all tenants

In AP Pro, it is now possible to comment on many invoices at once. The user can select up to 2 000 invoices and add a comment for all of them at once. This functionality is not available for historical invoices. 

3.9 Remove hard-coded calculations in payment plan matching

Module(s): Match Plans
Feature ID: ALUSTA-53974
Release: P2P 20.1
Feature Implementation: Enabled by default for all tenants

It is now possible to use expressions to calculate the sums for invoice coding rows in manual and automatic payment plan matching. Previously, only hard-coded sum calculations were used, and it was not possible to use expressions.

4 Analytics

4.1 Enhanced KPI logic and improved time filters

Module(s): Analytics
Feature ID: ALUSTA-60834
Release: P2P 20.1
Feature Implementation: Enabled by default for all tenants

The calculation logic for the four main Key Performance Indicators (E-Invoice, Spend In Control, Automatically Matched & Paid On Time) has been standardized to use the same date dimension - Transfer Completed Date. This change resolves the issue where KPIs were updating retrospectively as some invoices were still in flow.

Additionally and more importantly, the single date dimension now enables users to select specific time periods when viewing KPIs. You can now freely define and select periods that, for example, match your fiscal year, then view KPI results for only that time period. 

The following dashboards have been enhanced with date sliders that allow more flexible selection of time periods:

AP KPI: Overview. The date slider can be found next to the earlier available Time Frame parameter (1a)


AP KPI: Details. There are two additions to this dashboard.  


AP Financial: Past Payments. The date slider can be found next to the earlier available Time Frame parameter (3a)


Spend: Supplier Spend. The date slider can be found next to the earlier available Time Frame parameter (4a)