This document contains descriptions of new features in Basware Purchase-to-Pay 18.4 and its maintenance releases.
Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-5475
Release: P2P 18.4
Feature Implementation: Customer can take into use (see instructions)
Now it is possible to search your own purchase orders (provided that you have view or manage own orders user right) or orders, that you are the order approver of, from the Documents > Purchase orders search view. The search has many options to specify the search, like free text, organization, creation date / desired delivery date, as well as additional criteria like specific order process phase, sending method, and ownership. In Documents when searching for purchase requisitions, purchase orders, and goods receipt, you can sort the search results based on the selected column.
Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-31953
Release: P2P 18.4
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically
Now it is possible to open an order from Edge search (Documents > Purchase orders). The user can view order details as read-only and see header data and line summary as well as view attachments.
Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-26801
Release: P2P 18.4
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically
The Get approval dialog now has a possibility to define a desired delivery date range by changing the desired delivery end date.
By default, the Desired delivery end date is set to be the same as Desired delivery date, but it can be changed.
The values of Desired delivery date and Desired delivery end date in the dialog will be used in all lines of the purchase requisition.
Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-32486
Release: P2P 18.4
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically
The delivery address can be now manually defined for each line. Thus, in addition to selecting a predefined address, the user has a possibility to define a custom delivery address for each line separately.
Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-33335
Release: P2P 18.4
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically
A Contract selection picker has been added so that the user can change the contract from the default contract to some other contract. Earlier, only product’s Net price was editable, but now it is possible to select whether the user wants to edit Net price or Gross price.
Module(s): Invoice Automation
Feature ID: ALUSTA-34390
Release: P2P 18.4
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically
Historical migrated invoices are now used by smart coding when searching for coding history.
Module(s): Invoice Automation
Feature ID: ALUSTA-32600
Release: P2P 18.4
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically
When a new coding row is generated, the coding sum is automatically added to that row. If the generated coding row is the first one, then the full invoice sum is added to the coding row. If there are already coding rows, and a user creates a new coding row, then the remaining sum is added to the new row.
Module(s): Invoice Automation
Feature ID: ALUSTA-31987
Release: P2P 18.4
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically
Discussions and notifications are enhanced to provide a user the possibility to flag the important discussions that need the user’s attention later and to filter the notifications by the flag. The user can set the flag to the discussion in the document details or in the Notification center.
In the document details:
In Notification center:
The discussion is marked with a flag that is shown in the document details, notification widget, and notification center for that discussion.
In the details page:
In the notification widget:
In the Notification center:
The user can clear the flag from the discussion in the document details and in the Notification center.
The user can also filter out the flagged discussion notifications in the Notification center.
Module(s): Invoice Automation
Feature ID: ALUSTA-24737
Release: P2P 18.4
Feature Implementation: Basware consultant work is needed
The coding row summary is enhanced to show more data by default and the data is more configurable than earlier.
The coding row summary will show the first 5 fields according to (the column indexes of) your screen configuration. In addition to these 5 fields, the Tax sum and either Net sum or Gross sum (depending on the configuration) are shown in the summary row.
To get the most useful coding summary, it is beneficial to set the most crucial fields like GL account as the first ones. If you want to change your 5 first coding dimensions, this is done according to the normal process – submitting a change request.
Coding row summary is the set of coding fields shown to the user in the task list when the task panel is expanded, and in the details page’s coding panel before opening each coding row.
In the task list:
In the details page coding panel:
Module(s): Invoice Automation
Feature ID: ALUSTA-17420
Release: P2P 18.4
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically
User is able to search invoices also using coding level dimensions.
Module(s): Match Plans
Feature ID: ALUSTA-1125
Release: P2P 18.4
Feature Implementation: Basware consultant work is needed before customer can take into use
Now there is a Create Payment Plan action available in the invoide details view in Professional mode. This makes it easy to create new payment plans since it copies invoice header data and coding rows to the new payment plan. The action is available for users that have the create payment plan user right. If a user does not have the needed user right, the user sees the Request Payment Plan action instead.
Module(s): Invoice Automation
Feature ID: ALUSTA-36815
Release: P2P 18.4
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically
Japanese language is now supported in Basware Purchase-to-Pay. A user can select Japanese as the UI language from User settings when the Japanese language has been installed to the customer environment.