Intermittent anyERP task failures in the Basware Purchase-to-Pay service.


There was a degradation in the Basware Purchase-to-Pay service, which is now over.

Degradation Started: November 17, 2023 03:50 UTC

Degradation Ended: November 17, 2023 17:45 UTC

Impact Summary:

There was a degradation in Basware Purchase-to-Pay service. The problem impacted all Basware Purchase-to-Pay service (Production, Test, and Development) systems. The following impact on the service might have been observed:


Service Degradation Status Update Notices:

Status Update (20:00 UTC): We have completed our extensive validation phase and can confirm that services are running normally and therefore will be closing this service degradation. Once again, we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and appreciate your continued partnership.

Status Update (18:00 UTC): The recovery sequence has been completed and our technical team has re-enabled the services. We have performed an initial validation check where we have positive indication that the SFTP service, interface tasks and UI activity is restored without errors. We will begin a more extensive validation phase to ensure there are no residual effects in the service.

Status Update (14:00 UTC): The recovery sequence is progressing and is being closely monitored by our technical team. We estimate that by this evening the recovery sequence will be completed and services will be restored.

Status Update (12:00 UTC): After an investigation, we have identified the root cause of the problem, which is related to a component failure and is NOT related to a security incident.
Our technical team has initiated recovery measures, and this recovery phase is expected to take several hours to complete.
Getting you back up and running is our priority, and we are committed to resolving the problem as soon as we can.

Status Update (9:30 UTC): Our dedicated IT team is actively working to identify the root cause of the issue and implement a swift resolution. We understand the impact this degradation may have on your operations, and we want to assure you that every effort is being made to restore services as quickly as possible.



If you have any further inquiries or need assistance, please contact Basware Support by opening a case through this link or through a currently open case, if you already have one open for this incident. Reference - BWPB0046839.