Insights dashboards: Invoice Matching Discovery

Summary: This dashboard shows how well your invoice matching process performs and which factors impact your touchless match rate the most.



1. Association rate

How it's calculated:

An invoice is associated if at least one coding row is created in matching.

2. Touchless match rate

How it's calculated:

An invoice is considered a touchless match when coding rows are automatically created in matching, there are no validation errors, and they were matched the first time.

3. Touchless match ratio

4. First-time matching success ratio

5. Invoice matching outcome

6. Methods to generate coding rows

7. Matching Outcome details

8. Matching Validation Errors

Below is a table listing the matching validation error groups and errors

Group Description
Additional rule failed Absolute tolerance: Invoice line total exceeds the purchase order or purchase order line total
Additional rule failed Absolute tolerance: Invoice line quantity exceeds the available purchase order quantity
Additional rule failed Absolute tolerance: Invoice total exceeds the purchase order total 
Additional rule failed Absolute tolerance: Invoice line unit price exceeds the unit price of the purchase order line
Additional rule failed Absolute tolerance: Additional cost exceeds the tolerance
Additional rule failed No exchange rate found for the additional cost
Additional rule failed Percentage tolerance: Additional cost exceeds the tolerance
Additional rule failed Additional cost setting not found
Additional rule failed Additional cost line has been unmatched. Please match it again.
Additional rule failed Invoice was automatically processed. No deviations were detected, but manual review is still required.
Additional rule failed Additional validation error 1
Additional rule failed Additional validation error 2
Additional rule failed Additional validation error 3
Additional rule failed Additional validation error 4
Additional rule failed Additional validation error 5
Additional rule failed Additional validation error 6
Additional rule failed Additional validation error 7
Additional rule failed Additional validation error 8
Additional rule failed Additional validation error 9
Additional rule failed Additional validation error 10
Association failed Additional validation error 11
Association failed Additional validation error 12
Association failed Additional validation error 13
Association failed Additional validation error 14
Association failed Additional validation error 15
Association failed Additional validation error 16
Association failed Additional validation error 17
Association failed Additional validation error 18
Association failed Additional validation error 19
Association failed Additional validation error 20
Association failed Unable to find a purchase order item that equals the invoice header sum within the set tolerance.
Association failed Association rule failed for selected items
Association failed Unable to validate association
Association failed Cannot associate credit memo with an unmatched purchase order
Association failed Cannot associate service order if goods receipts are not used in the category
Association failed Cannot associate with a canceled goods receipt
Association failed Cannot associate with a fully matched invoice line
Association failed Cannot associate with a fully matched purchase order
Association failed Subsequent debit/credit line was matched only with order items that were partly or fully matched. Among selection, there were unmatched order items. Review the matching result.
Association failed There are no coding rows to distribute the additional cost to. You need to add at least one coding row to proceed.
Association failed There are no coding rows to distribute the additional cost to. You need to add at least one coding row with cost center code to proceed.
Association failed No matching category found for the invoice
Association failed Price difference: the matched sum is different from the expected sum in the PO. Check the invoice and claim chargeback, if needed.
Association failed Quantity difference: the matched quantity is different from the expected quantity in the PO. Check the invoice and claim chargeback, if needed
Association failed Chargeback validation has exceeded the tolerance and invoice needs to be handled manually
Association failed Chargeback validation has exceeded the tolerance, but does not require manual handling
Association failed Absolute tolerance: Invoice total exceeds or is below the invoice coding total
Association failed Percentage tolerance: Invoice total exceeds or is below the invoice coding total
Association failed Credit memo does not contain lines and must be manually matched
Association failed Same field has been used more than once. Change the values
Association failed The field in column has been used more than once.
Association failed No search results
Association failed Invoice and purchase order currency codes do not match
Association failed Exchange rate not found
Association failed Header validation rules could not be executed because currencies are not active or exchange rates are missing
Association failed Unable to evaluate expression
Association failed Automatic matching percentage is exceeded
Association failed Blanket purchase order cannot have goods receipts
Association failed Absolute tolerance: Invoice or invoice line total exceeds the blanket purchase order or purchase order line total
Association failed Percentage tolerance: Invoice or invoice line total exceeds the blanket purchase order or purchase order line total
Association failed Matched sum exceeds the percentage limit set for a single invoice. The maximum sum that can be matched to an order line is shown in the Expected value field.
Association failed Invoice voucher date is not within purchase order lines validity period
Association failed Goods receipts not received within expected time
Association failed Absolute tolerance: Matched sum is too low compared to the matched quantity multiplied by the unit price from the associated goods receipt
Coding difference Percentage tolerance: Matched sum is too low compared to the matched quantity multiplied by the unit price from the associated goods receipt
Coding difference Absolute tolerance: Matched sum exceeds the matched quantity multiplied by the unit price from the associated goods receipt
Coding difference Percentage tolerance: Matched sum exceeds the matched quantity multiplied by the unit price from the associated goods receipt
Coding difference Absolute tolerance: Matched quantity exceeds the goods receipt quantity available for matching
Data incorrect Percentage tolerance: Matched quantity exceeds the goods receipt quantity available for matching
Data incorrect Absolute tolerance: Matched sum is too low compared to the purchase order total
Data incorrect Percentage tolerance: Matched sum is too low compared to the purchase order sum
Data incorrect Absolute tolerance: Invoice total exceeds the available purchase order total
Data incorrect Percentage tolerance: Invoice total exceeds the available purchase order total
Data incorrect Incorrect sum or quantity to match
Data incorrect Invoice and purchase order tax codes do not match
Data incorrect Coding difference in invoice
Data incorrect Unable to validate invoice coding
Data incorrect Invoice does not contain lines
Data incorrect Absolute tolerance: Overall matched sum exceeds the remaining sum of items matched with this invoice
Data incorrect Absolute tolerance: Overall matched sum is too low compared to the available sum of items matched with this invoice
Data incorrect Percentage tolerance: Overall matched sum is too low compared to the available sum of items matched with this invoice
Data incorrect Percentage tolerance: Overall matched sum exceeds the remaining sum of items matched with this invoice
Data incorrect Invoice line quantity and goods receipt quantity are different
Not within tolerance Invoice line total and goods receipt total are different
Not within tolerance System detected that all invoice lines were not associated with a purchase order. Review invoice lines and complete matching manually.
Price difference (Additional cost) System detected that all invoice lines are not associated with a purchase order
Price difference (Additional cost) Sum or quantity missing on the invoice line 
Price difference (Additional cost) Invoice with subsequent lines must be manually matched. On the Invoice Lines tab, select the subsequent lines to be matched.
Price difference (Additional cost) Invoice and purchase order supplier codes do not match
Price difference (Additional cost) Matching has been canceled because there were too many associations and/or coding rows generated. Try to match the purchase order items again in more detailed level.
Price difference (GR) Matching has been canceled because there were too many associations and/or coding rows generated. Try to match the purchase order items again in more detailed level.
Price difference (GR) Invoice and purchase order supplier codes do not match
Price difference (GR) Absolute tolerance: Manually added invoice coding total exceeds the tolerance
Price difference (GR) Percentage tolerance: Manually added invoice coding total exceeds the tolerance
Price difference (GR) Manual matching required. The system could not resolve the matching item among many association candidates.
Price difference (PO header) Absolute tolerance: Matched sum is too low compared to the invoiced quantity multiplied by the unit price from the associated purchase order line
Price difference (PO header) Percentage tolerance: Matched sum is too low compared to the invoiced quantity multiplied by the unit price from the associated purchase order line
Price difference (PO header) Absolute tolerance: Matched sum exceeds the invoiced quantity multiplied by the unit price from the associated purchase order line
Price difference (PO header) Percentage tolerance: Matched sum exceeds the invoiced quantity multiplied by the unit price from the associated purchase order line
Price difference (PO header) Credit memo does not contain lines and must be manually matched
Price difference (PO header) Cannot unmatch because there is no association between goods receipt and invoice
Price difference (PO header) Cannot unmatch because there is no association between purchase order and invoice
Price difference (PO header) Cannot unmatch because there is no association between purchase order line and invoice
Price difference (PO header) Waiting for purchase orders
Price difference (PO header) One or more goods receipts missing
Price difference (PO header) Many additional cost settings found
Price difference (PO header) Many matching categories found for this invoice - purchase order combination
Price difference (PO header) Cannot associate subsequent lines to many PO types
Price difference (PO header) No matching configuration found for the invoice
Price difference (PO header) Cannot match without goods receipts
Price difference (PO header) No purchase orders found that could be associated with the invoice
Price difference (PO header) Purchase order does not contain a tax code
Price difference (PO line) Purchase orders or purchase order lines found for association, but they were already fully matched to another invoice
Price difference (PO line) Invoice and purchase order organization elements do not match
Price difference (PO line) Invoice and purchase order payment terms do not match
Price difference (PO line) Percentage tolerance: Invoice line total exceeds the purchase order or purchase order line total
Price difference (PO line) Percentage tolerance: Invoice line quantity exceeds the available purchase order quantity
Price difference (PO line) Percentage tolerance: Invoice total exceeds the purchase order or purchase order line total
Price difference (PO line) Percentage tolerance: Invoice line unit price exceeds the unit price of the purchase order line
Price difference (PO line) Invoice line and purchase order line product codes are missing or do not match
Price difference (PO line) Invoice and purchase order product codes do not match
Price difference (PO line) Cannot associate a closed purchase order
Price difference (PO line) Cannot associate a canceled purchase order
Price difference (PO line) Invoice line quantity or total is missing
Price difference (PO line) Absolute tolerance: Invoice quantity exceeds the available purchase order quantity
Price difference (PO line) Percentage tolerance: Invoice quantity exceeds the available purchase order quantity
Price difference (PO line) Absolute tolerance: Matched sum that covers the purchase order row exceeds the remaining sum of unallocated payments for the same order line
Price difference (PO line) Absolute tolerance: Matched sum that covers the purchase order row is too low compared to the remaining sum of unallocated payments for the same order line
Price difference (PO line) Percentage tolerance: Matched sum that covers the purchase order row is too low compared to the remaining sum of unallocated payments for the same order line
Price difference (PO line) Absolute tolerance: Matched sum that covers the purchase order row is too low compared to the remaining sum of the same order line
Price difference (PO line) Percentage tolerance: Matched sum that covers the purchase order row is too low compared to the remaining sum of the same order line
Price difference (PO line) Percentage tolerance: Matched sum that covers the purchase order row exceeds the remaining sum of unallocated payments for the same order line
Price difference (PO line) Absolute tolerance: Matched sum that covers the purchase order row exceeds the remaining sum of the same order line
Price difference (PO line) Percentage tolerance: Matched sum that covers the purchase order row exceeds the remaining sum of the same order line
Price difference (PO line) Absolute tolerance: Matched quantity that covers the purchase order row exceeds the remaining quantity for unallocated payments for the same order line
Price difference (PO line) Percentage tolerance: Matched quantity that covers the purchase order row exceeds the remaining quantity for unallocated payments for the same order line
Price difference (PO line) Return purchase order cannot be associated with a positive invoice sum
Quantity difference Absolute tolerance: Matched sum is too low compared to the purchase order total or purchase order line total
Quantity difference Percentage tolerance: Matched sum is too low compared to the purchase order sum or purchase order line sum
Quantity difference Absolute tolerance: Invoice line total exceeds the available purchase order line total
Quantity difference Percentage tolerance: Invoice line total exceeds the available purchase order line total
Quantity difference Association failed because the invoice header sum cannot have the opposite sign compared to the sum in the matched order line or receipt.
Quantity difference One or many of the associated purchase order lines bypassed the standard approval workflow. Additional approval is required.
Quantity difference Service entry sheet not accepted
Quantity difference Coding difference
Quantity difference Incorrect product code
Quantity difference Incorrect sum or quantity to match
Quantity difference Not within tolerance
Quantity difference Price difference
Quantity difference Quantity difference
Quantity difference Subsequent credit total exceeds the matched sum of the purchase order line
Review required Subsequent invoice line quantity exceeds the matched quantity of the purchase order line
Review required Technical error
Review required Manual matching required. Cannot associate this invoice with more than 1 000 purchase order items at a time.
Review required Invoice was matched with a purchase order where goods were not received. Review is required.
Review required Invoice and purchase order units of measure do not match
Spend plan errors Absolute tolerance: Matched unit price is too low compared to the unit price of the purchase order line
Spend plan errors Percentage tolerance: Matched unit price is too low compared to the unit price of the purchase order line
Spend plan errors Absolute tolerance: Invoice unit price exceeds the unit price of the purchase order line
Spend plan errors Percentage tolerance: Invoice unit price exceeds the unit price of the purchase order line
Spend plan errors Goods receipts not received within expected time
Spend plan errors Cannot do associations because of mapping configuration or validation errors
Spend plan errors Spend plan line found in spend plan and associated with invoice with many tolerance errors
Spend plan errors Spend plan line found in spend plan and associated with invoice but date tolerance was not met
Spend plan errors Spend plan line found in spend plan and associated with invoice but sum tolerance was not met
Spend plan errors Unable to check license
Spend plan errors Evaluating the expression failed.
Spend plan errors Unhandled exception occurred during matching
Spend plan errors Spend plan was found but the invoice contains unapproved coding rows.
Spend plan errors No association rule defined
Spend plan errors Spend plan line associated with the invoice no longer exists: plan reference {0}.
Spend plan errors No spend plan found with the association rules
Spend plan errors Spend plan found but it does not comply with the association rule
Spend plan errors Many spend plans found
Spend plan errors Spend plan found but it is deactivated
Spend plan errors Spend plan found but it is not approved
Spend plan errors Spend plan found but it is expired
Spend plan errors Matching configuration not found
Spend plan errors Invoice cannot be matched with a plan that has different currency
Spend plan errors Spend plan and invoice currency do not match
Spend plan errors Spend plan line found in spend plan but it is already matched to another invoice
Spend plan errors Matched sum cannot exceed invoice gross total
Spend plan errors Matched sum cannot exceed invoice net total
Spend plan errors Sum of spend plan coding row percentages is not 100
Spend plan errors Budget row not found
Spend plan errors Budget row found in spend plan but it is already fully matched
Spend plan errors Spend plan line found but it is already matched to another invoice.
Spend plan errors Invoicing date is out of range.
Spend plan errors Budget exceeded
Spend plan errors Maximum number of invoices available for matching exceeded
Spend plan errors Maximum invoice total exceeded
Spend plan errors Matched sum is greater than the remaining budget in the spend plan
Spend plan errors Budget row found in spend plan and associated with invoice with many errors
Spend plan errors No spend plan lines found that could be associated with the invoice
Spend plan errors No budget rows found that could be associated with the invoice
Spend plan errors Spend plan line found in spend plan but matched sum is 0
Spend plan errors Budget row found in spend plan but matched sum in the budget is 0
Spend plan errors Credit memo total exceeds the matched sum of the spend plan line in spend plan
Spend plan errors Credit memo total exceeds the matched sum of the budget row in spend plan
Spend plan errors Sum of percentages in the additional cost share (%) fields must equal 100.
Spend plan errors Budget row does not exist.
Spend plan errors Schedule row does not exist.
Spend plan errors Schedule line cannot be matched with a credit memo, because the line is not matched with an invoice
Spend plan errors Budget row cannot be matched with a credit memo, because the row is not matched with an invoice
Spend plan errors Credit memo already unmatched
Unable to validate association Credit memo already matched
Unable to validate association Spend plan is not active.
Unable to validate association Invoice cannot be matched with a plan that has different currency.
Validation failed There are many matching configurations for the invoice.
Validation failed We cannot find matching configuration for the invoice.
Validation failed Invoice does not comply with the association rule.
Validation failed Generating the invoice coding failed because the evaluation of expression failed.

9. Matching performance