This article will explain how to use and configure addresses in Basware Purchase. The article will cover the following topics:
Organization addresses
You can add add, modify, and delete organization addresses from AP Administration > Organization > Location Addresses
From the Location Addresses tab select the Create icon to add a new location address for the organization. You can also select an existing address, then click the Edit or Delete icon to perform the respective action.
When adding/editing an address the compulsory data is:
Advanced Data
You can add additional address parts from Advanced Data. These additional data fields are not compulsory.
Supplier addresses
Supplier addresses can be manually added and edited from AP Administration > Suppliers > Locations:
Address type: These define the type of the address for the supplier. User can choose: Postal address, Physical address, Delivery address, Additional address or Remittance address.
Name, Description, Address Part, and Advanced data work the same way as described above with the organization addresses.
Editability of address fields
Upon request, Basware consultants can configure the editability of address fields in Basware Procurement. This can be accessed by Basware consultants and making changes in this configuration is billable work. This will explain generally how it is done and what can be configured.
Entities and screens can be accessed from consultant's Configuration tool. It is possible to request fields to be editable in the different purchase requisition states: draft, review, approve and finalize. For each status, fields can be locked as non-editable by enabling the Read-only setting.
Purchase order PDF alternatives
There are three types of Purchase Order PDF templates available: Standard template, configurable standard template and custom template. To read more about these templates and the fields that are available in them, see Procurement - How to - Purchase order PDF template types.
Default address
Default address is the address that will be automatically suggested and selected for the organization or supplier. This means that when user is creating a purchase requisition (PR), the address that is selected as default will be selected automatically for the PR. The user can change the default to some other address that is created or inherited to the organization. For a supplier's default address, the Default address will be selected after the user selects a supplier.
When an incoming document contains a delivery address, that will be used as the address. If the delivery address is not stated on an incoming document, the default address is used.
How the default addresses in standard PO PDF work in different scenarios:
Note that the SmartOrder receiver comes from AP Administration supplier data field Order default address (instead of identifier ENDPOINT_ID), is copied from there to the purchase requisition draft, and can be changed. A SmartOrder receiver using REST API can be changed in the AP Purchase UI the same way as when using anyERP integration. Read more about SmartOrders from AP Purchase - How to - SmartOrder.
Importing delivery addresses
The interface can be created by Basware consultants. If a customer has multiple delivery addresses or has multiple companies which have multiple delivery addresses, it is more efficient to create delivery address import interface which uploads all the delivery addresses to Basware Procurement. With this kind of interface it's possible to create, modify, and delete addresses from a file. Note that addresses might not be deleted if they are associated with existing documents.
You can request this kind of delivery address import interface from Basware using a change request.
Changed addresses not updating old purchase orders
Modified organization or supplier addresses are not updated to purchase requisitions or orders that were created before the address modification. The purchase requisition or order will show where it has been ordered to in the Address and History sections.