Email template for new login password


In the P2P release 22.10 the password reset functionality was changed for security reasons so that the password reset email includes only a link to a web page where the user can reset their password.

Previously the password reset email contained the new password in plain text.

If the password reset email template was customized before this change, then the email would be missing the password reset link and user would not be able to login after password reset.



With the new feature, users will receive an email with a link to reset their password. A new password is not included in the email.

Previously users would receive a new login password by email and the password would be in plain text in the email content.

For some customers, the content of the new login password email has been customized and the customized email template overrides the new email content.
As a result, users will not be able to reset their password and log into the system.

Solution is to remove the old customized email template and use the new standard template. The new template can then be customized through a Change Request, if necessary.

Additional Information:

Basware Purchase-to-Pay 22.10 Release Notes (BWKB0018572)

Basware Features: ALUSTA-93693