This article describes how a Receiver can receive more than ordered
Make sure:
User right "Over-receiving allowed" limits in % how much can be over-received. Only users who have explicitly been given this permission are able to receive more than ordered.
The default value for the limit is 20 and values are possible from 0 - 100.
If a user receives goods on behalf of other users then the user needs to have ”Receive goods for other users” permission
On the GR task is shown per line how much a Receiver can over receive goods based on order amount and user right limit.
The user has over-receiving right with a 20% limit. The original ordered amount is 10 and user can receive goods up to 12.
The actual received amount is delivered to Matching.
Additional Information:
The system prevents the user from exceeding his over received limit
Receive task is reopened once the received amount is lower than the ordered amount
Receiving more than ordered in EDGE