Procurement - Integrated Shopping Experience (ISE)


This article describes the Integrated Shopping Experience (ISE) feature and the process for requesting enablement.

For normal end users, enabling ISE changes the user interface:

For professional buyers, documents are published differently when ISE is enabled:

Instructions to request ISE enablement

  1. Go to the Basware Support Portal and click Request a service.
  2. Click New Feature Enablement.
  3. In the Account field, select your account.
  4. In the Business Service field, select Purchase.
  5. In the Mention the required feature to be enabled field, type "Integrated Shopping Experience" or "ISE".
  6. Click Order Now.
  7. A change request ticket will be created and sent to the Change Request Management team. A Change Request Manager will prepare a quote for the feature enablement and will contact you soon. Enabling ISE requires consulting efforts which are invoiced as stated in the quote.

Additional information

More information about the Integrated Shopping Experience:

Procurement - Finalizing the ISE configuration - Customer actions

Integrated Shopping Experience

Custom delivery address on Summary page