Sending PDF e-Invoices


The purpose of this document is to provide instructions for sending Pdf invoice documents once you created your account on ONP Portal.


1. By using your standard e-mail client, create a new e-mail message. Text written on the subject line will not be delivered to your customer. Text in the message body will be delivered to your customer as an attachment.

2. Attach the PDF invoice you have saved on your computer to the email message. You can send one or multiple PDF invoices in each email. If you want to send invoice attachments to your customer, attach them to the email. For instructions, see the section Attachment Policy.

3. Type your receiver's Basware service address in the To field.

4. Send the e-mail.

Basware delivers both the e-invoice data file and the PDF invoice to your customer.

Basware will notify you via e-mail if the invoice cannot be delivered.

The expected average delivery time for the first invoice is five business days. Do not send the same invoice again to the Basware service.