Store error


Your document came in "Store error", because the input-content contains specific data/characters which can't be processed on Basware systems.

Additional Information:
To help you with the analysis, look up the input file of your message sent to the BaswareONE platform using the document manager as described below.

General steps to use the document manager

Go to and log in using username and password:


Select the Track & Trace tab

Enter audit number(s) mentioned in the body of the mail (Document number (audit number) on BaswareONE platform: xxxxxx) in track & Trace and press the search button



Search results:


For details click on the line. Next, select input (XML, ASCII or EDI are available depending on your input format) :

You can also download the file using the download button

In case you have trouble identifying the cause, please compare the audit trail of a message which came in "Store error", with a message in status "Delivered" based on input and search for differences that can explain the rejection.

Once you have identified the cause, please correct the file and then re-upload the file to BaswareONE. The method for this depends on you connectivity to BaswareONE.

If you use a Bizconnect client, the default folder to put the file you want to upload is C:\Bizconnect\data\out (check C:\Bizconnect\scripts\bc_parameters_production.xml for the path)

More information on Bizconnect can be found here:

If you are unable to resolve the issue on your own, contact our Support by clicking on the button on the right of this page and provide the following information: