Basware Purchase-to-Pay 24.5 New Features


1 Introduction

This document contains descriptions of new features in Basware Purchase-to-Pay 24.5 and its maintenance releases.

2 Procurement

2.1 Passing additional values to the punchout

Module(s): Marketplace
Feature ID: ALUSTA-112202
Release: P2P 24.5
Feature Implementation: Customer can take into use

Some supplier punchouts require users to provide ship-to-location information before showing the catalog information to them. This allows suppliers to display catalogs relevant to the location and makes sure that items can be delivered to the specified location.

Additional values related to the location code or ship-to ID can be configured and passed to the punchouts from the punchout agreements. A new section Additional Information has been added below the Shopping alert field in the Punchout agreement, Agent punchout agreement, and Integrated Search agreement.

Click the cogwheel icon in the Additional Information section to open the Additional Information page. The values defined on the page are shown to the user in a dialog box when they click a punchout in Shopping. The shopping alert can be used to define the message to be shown in the dialog box along with the values defined on the Additional Information page.  

The following fields are shown on the Additional Information page:

An admin user can upload and download the same information via CSV files using the Export and Import buttons.

3 Networked AP

3.1 New basic user rights to invoice and spend plan reviewers and approvers

Module(s): Invoice Automation
Feature ID: ALUSTA-97919
Release: P2P 24.5
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

Two new basic user rights have been added: “View your invoices” and “View your spend plans”. The new user rights are available for business users, such as invoice and spend plan reviewers and approvers. These are mandatory user rights for business users. The existing user rights “Review invoices” and “Review spend plans” are no longer mandatory basic user rights for business users.

This enhancement allows the removal of review rights from approvers and other business users who do not need to review invoices or spend plans. Users without review rights will no longer appear in the reviewer selection list. These users will not receive unnecessary review tasks anymore and working time can be saved. This saves AP clerks’ time as well, because AP clerks do not have to manually correct the situation when invoices are mistakenly sent to incorrect reviewers.

The business users who have only the new “View your invoices” or “View your spend plans” right can access Home, Tasks, Documents, and User settings. They can search for invoices and/or spend plans in Documents, open the document details view, and perform basic actions to the documents. They can, for example, start discussions, add attachments, and add comments.  

Because the review rights are no longer mandatory basic user rights for the business users, it is now possible to assign a user’s review rights to their backup persons. Earlier, this was not possible..

This enhancement is in use automatically so that all users with the existing review user rights will automatically get the new “View your invoices”, “View your spend plans”, or both of these new user rights, depending on whether the user previously had “Review invoices” or “Review spend plans” right. To remove review rights from approvers or other business users, go to P2P Administration and manually remove them.

3.2 Use SmartCoding button is available when invoice does not yet have coding

Module(s): Invoice Automation
Feature ID: ALUSTA-109140
Release: P2P 24.5
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

Basware SmartCoding is a machine learning based service that proposes invoice coding.

Sometimes SmartCoding proposals are not generated, because invoice validation fails. In this case, user can now use the Use SmartCoding button after they have fixed the invalid invoice.

After clicking the button, SmartCoding will generate the coding proposals.


3.3 Check if all referenced purchase orders are associated

Module(s): Match Orders
Feature ID: ALUSTA-111533
Release: P2P 24.5
Feature Implementation: Basware consultant work is needed

We have enhanced the automatic matching of the invoices based on consolidated purchase orders. When an invoice contains multiple purchase order number references but the line details are missing, P2P is not always able to find find the correct purchase order items to match with the invoice. This situation can result in some of the referenced purchase orders not being matched with the invoice.

Now, P2P can be activated to detect if any of the referenced purchase orders were left unmatched with the invoice. The invoice is then moved over to the manual flow for a user to review. The user can view unmatched purchase orders in the Matching results tab.

This feature requires a separate feature activation. If the feature is not activated, P2P expects that the purchase order number references that were not matched are invalid. Therefore these order numbers are removed from the invoice. By activating the feature, this step is bypassed, and users are able to recognize the purchase orders that were left unmatched. 

If your organization receives invoices based on consolidated purchase order based, and if you would like to start enjoying from the benefits of this feature, please contact your Basware consultant or Basware Support.

Module(s): Spend Plans
Feature ID: ALUSTA-84570
Release: P2P 24.5
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

The desktop-optimized list and details view is now available for spend plan search on the Documents page. This new professional view enables the reviewers and approvers to see more information about their spend plans at once. Earlier this view for spend plans was available only on the Tasks page. With the new view, the users can search for spend plans and can experience the same powerful interface as the AP Pro users.

Users can perform all the actions that are typically available in the spend plan details page from the list page itself. This means that the users don’t waste time opening spend plans one by one.

Users can now search specifically for the spend plans that were requested by them. They can select Plans requested by me on the Documents page:


In Documents, the spend plan reviewers and approvers can now open multiple spend plans simultaneously and take actions on them. After completing an action, user is automatically navigated to the next spend plan. 

Example of a spend plan opened from search:


The new professional spend plan details view is configurable. It’s possible to configure the visibility and positioning of the fields, even though they will remain non-editable. The configuration can be found from Configuration tool, in Invoicing Entities and screens > All screens Spend plans > Spend plan details > All screens. If you would like to change the configuration and don’t have access rights to the Configuration tool, please contact your Basware consultant or Basware Support.

Users can enable the new professional view by going to User settings > Other settings > Invoice and spend plan views in desktop mode and selecting Professional view. This is the existing setting that activates the professional views also for invoices.

It is possible to enable the professional view to all users of the organization. To do this, please contact Basware Support and Request a service.