Streamlining Invoice Management with InvoiceReady


InvoiceReady offers a systematic approach to managing invoices not governed by approval automation —those outside the scope of PO or contract-based processes— providing a seamless experience for users. 


Default processors can be allocated as outlined below:

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A common approach involves setting company- level defaults to handle typical invoices efficiently, either directly processing the invoices or forwarding them to more appropriate processors 

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Upcoming Feature: Enhanced PO Integration

In the near future, InvoiceReady will introduce a new feature where purchase order (PO) data can include invoice processors. This means that, as part of matching invoices with POs, processors are assigned to the invoice based on the PO data instead of relying on approval automation. This feature will use the PO data to provide more strict approval control and visibility. It will allow appropriate users to manually review and approve invoices after they've been partially or completely matched with the PO, ensuring that the correct individuals are involved in the process.

By effectively leveraging default processors, InvoiceReady not only saves time in day-to-day AP operations but also offers avenues for further optimization through contracts and forthcoming features.

For further assistance, inquiries can be directed to Basware Support.