Basware Purchase-to-Pay 17.12 New Features


1 Introduction

This document contains descriptions of new features in Basware Purchase-to-Pay 17.12 and its maintenance releases.

2 Procurement

2.1 Purchase order notifications for supplier responses

Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-24678
Release: P2P 17.12
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

The system now sends notifications about the supplier responses to purchase orders for users that have rights to handle own purchase orders according to the users' personal notification settings. When this new feature is deployed to production, the users with pending purchase order tasks start receiving notifications also about the purchase order tasks created before the version upgrade. If there are old informative tasks, that have not been yet acknowledged, they can be taken care of either one at the time with the Acknowledge action or all at once with the Acknowledge All action.

2.2 Budget approval in requisition process

Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-17543
Release: P2P 17.12
Feature Implementation: Basware consultant work is needed

Now it is possible to use manual budgets as a basis for automatic approval. Once you create a manual budget, it can be used to automatic approval purchases made to it and this way bypass the requisition approval workflow. The automatic approval is a workflow process step that has parameters stating if the automatic approval is done using activator’s organization limit or advanced user rights limit. Once the automatic approval succeeds, the requisition history states that automatic approval has been done on behalf of the budget activator. It the automatic approval fails due to invalid budget or insufficient approval rights, the requisition is returned back to owner and the history states the failure reason. After that the owner can edit the requisition, release manual budget, or change manual budget and re-send it. If no manual budget is selected, the requisition goes to normal workflow.

2.3 Supplier and category criteria to manual budgets

Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-18153
Release: P2P 17.12
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

For manual budget account header, it is now possible to state which categories and suppliers the budget is allowed to. A purchase requisition with a manual budget selected can contain only the stated categories and suppliers when sent to process. 

2.4 Budget management history

Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-17544
Release: P2P 17.12
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

Now the budget account has a History tab in budget management. On the tab, you can see when that budget account has been created/imported, edited and activated and by whom. This applies to both dynamic and manual budgets.

2.5 Discussions available for purchase requisitions and goods receipts in Edge

Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-18639
Release: P2P 17.12
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

Purchase requisitions and goods receipts are enhanced to include discussions.

All discussions related to purchase requisitions on the user’s task list are now available on the purchase requisition details page.

Goods receipt’s discussion is available in the goods receipt document.

Discussion is not yet available when the user does the receiving, only after the receiving is done.

The user can navigate to the discussions from a link in the notification email, from the notification widget, or from the notification center.

The user can view, start, and reply to discussions. Person who started the discussion can edit the discussion participants. Other participants can leave the discussions. Users, who have the right to view a purchase requisition or goods receipt, can reply to any discussion even if they were not invited to that discussion by another user.

The user is notified about the discussions on the document on the task list and on the search page.

Temporarily, the users are not able to view or reply to the discussions on the documents that they do not have on their task list. Those documents can be discussed in the Workplace client. 

2.6 Editable delivery address field in purchase requisition header in Edge

Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-26123
Release: P2P 17.12
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

It is possible to define the delivery address freely - in addition to the predefined addresses - in the purchase requisition header in Edge Purchase. The delivery address defined in the purchase requisition header overwrites the delivery address in all purchase requisition lines. The user can still change the delivery address of line items to a predefined address.

This feature is available only to selected customers for piloting.

2.7 Attachment to GR task with several delivery addresses in Edge

Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-30733
Release: P2P 17.12
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

Now the receiver can define attachments to be added to goods receipt document header when receiving goods. The attachments are added to that goods receipt document when receiver performs a receiving task.

3 AP Automation

3.1 Delete all coding rows in Edge

Module(s): Invoice Automation
Feature ID: ALUSTA-27952
Release: P2P 17.12
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

The user can delete all coding rows at the same time. Earlier, the user had to delete coding rows one by one.

3.2 Export coding to spreadsheet in Edge

Module(s): Invoice Automation
Feature ID: ALUSTA-22517
Release: P2P 17.12
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

In Edge, the user is able to export coding to spreadsheet.

3.3 Import coding from spreadsheet in Edge

Module(s): Invoice Automation
Feature ID: ALUSTA-19450
Release: P2P 17.12
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

The user is able to import coding from spreadsheet. The user can append or overwrite the existing coding.

3.4 View P2P purchase order details when an order is linked with an invoice in related documents

Module(s): Invoice Automation
Feature ID: ALUSTA-29698
Release: P2P 17.12
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

The Related documents section in invoice details has been enhanced so that the user is able to view more details for matched purchase orders when performing invoice tasks. The purchase orders are listed in Related documents like before. In the list, there is a link that opens a view for purchase order details.

3.5 2-way association validation rule

Module(s): Match Orders
Feature ID: ALUSTA-6844
Release: P2P 17.12
Feature Implementation: Basware consultant work is needed

Now the system recognizes when an invoice is matched with a purchase order where received goods are not recorded. With the feature, it is possible to have an additional manual review for the invoice even in situations when there are no other exceptions like price difference.

3.6 All best-fit recognition rules work with purchase order lines where goods receipt is required

Module(s): Match Orders
Feature ID: ALUSTA-21476
Release: P2P 17.12
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

Best-fit recognition methods are enhanced by identifying goods receipts also with purchase order lines that require goods receipt. Earlier, this was possible only for purchase order lines that required goods receipt based invoicing. Now the system is able to find the closest matching goods receipt or delivery if the purchase order has many uninvoiced receipts. The function is available in automatic order matching.

3.7 Optional comment when invoice is moved to approval from manual matching

Module(s): Match Orders
Feature ID: ALUSTA-6625
Release: P2P 17.12
Feature Implementation: Basware consultant work is needed

The user is not required to comment the following actions in the Matching view: Confirm, Force match, Request manual approval, and Reserve. This feature is only in use if it is allowed in the configuration.


When the next approver is resolved automatically and adding a comment is not required, the system moves the invoice forward in the process without additional user interaction. The user is prompted with an additional dialog if the next recipient to whom to forward the task is unclear and if a comment is set as optional or mandatory for the action.

3.8 Automatic recipient selection from manual matching

Module(s): Match Orders
Feature ID: ALUSTA-21462
Release: P2P 17.12
Feature Implementation: Basware consultant work is needed

Now the system resolves the next recipient for the user also in the Matching details page. If a comment is not mandatory, the system closes the invoice automatically and moves to the next invoice or returns to the invoice list.

3.9 All invoices in manual matching activity are visible in the Matching view

Module(s): Match Orders
Feature ID: ALUSTA-18456
Release: P2P 17.12
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

Previously, the invoices, that were sent to manual matching directly after receiving, were not visible in the Matching view and the user had to search for the invoices. This reflected also to the reporting with an inaccurate result. Now the invoice list in the P2P Matching view contains all purchase order invoices that are in the matching activity.  

3.10 Select one action only for request manual approval in the Matching view

Module(s): Match Orders
Feature ID: ALUSTA-17876
Release: P2P 17.12
Feature Implementation: Basware consultant work is needed

With the actions force match and request manual approval, it is now possible to set a task as one-action-only if the invoice process supports this. The one-action-only setting becomes available when more than one task recipient is selected. This function already existed in other views for invoice workflow. Now it is available also in Matching details page.


3.11 Request payment plan support in Edge

Module(s): Match Plans
Feature ID: ALUSTA-3440
Release: P2P 17.12
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

Now invoice reviewers and approvers can request for a payment plan in Edge and therefore automate the processing of recurring invoices. The request payment plan action is available in the task list page for invoices and in the invoice details view.

The request payment plan action has been enhanced in many ways when compared with the same action in the Workplace client. Here is a summary of enhancements:

3.12 Search payment plans in Edge

Module(s): Match Plans
Feature ID: ALUSTA-24372
Release: P2P 17.12
Feature Implementation: Feature is in use automatically

Now payment plan reviewers and approvers can search for their own payment plans in Edge.