This document contains descriptions of new features in Basware Purchase-to-Pay 24.10 and its maintenance releases.
Module(s): Invoice Automation
Feature ID: ALUSTA-110609
Release: P2P 24.10
The Pending time (AP clerk) field in AP Pro has been enhanced by making it possible to exclude weekends from the calculation. Earlier, the calculation of this field always included weekdays and weekends.
There is a new tenant level setting “PendingTimeAPClerkExcludeWeekends" that can be used to control whether weekends are included or excluded from the calculation. By default, weekends are included in the calculation.
If you want to exclude weekends from the calculation, please contact your Basware consultant or Basware Support.
Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-113085
Release: P2P 24.10
It is now possible to disable goods receiving for each standard purchase order on the purchase requisition´s Purchase orders tab. This means that the default setting can be manually changed for each order in the purchase requisition draft and/or in the purchase requisition’s approval workflow.
Module(s): Purchase
Feature ID: ALUSTA-112064
Release: P2P 24.10
In the Integrated Shopping Experience, the product type for any external webshop products will now be labeled as “external webshop”. This distinction allows us to differentiate between catalog products and products from external webshops. This differentiation can be utilized, for example, to create different approval processes for catalog products and external webshop products.